Book Review- Respect by Deborah Norville

I saw Deborah Norville last week on the Hannity show in passing and thought her new book sounded interesting, so when I had the chance, courtesy of Thomas Nelson Publishing to review the book, I jumped at the chance!

Norville makes a compelling case for the Power of Respect—the simple act of treating people as though they really matter.  In The Power of Respect Norville details the specific dollar savings in business and dramatic improvements in student test scores that are directly attributable to respect. She says, "Now that I've seen the research done by some of the greatest minds in the field, I am stunned to see the impact of being respected and giving respect. I am also mystified. Why wouldn't someone want to put it to work?"

I found the book an easy read (read it in one sitting) and quite focused on the subject at hand. Norville has a great writing style- she draws you in and gives you the facts to support her ideas. I liked the setup of the book- with respect tips throughout the text, and Respect Reminders, at the end of each chapter, to clarity the current chapter topic and to help reinforce the personal benefits. The concepts are those most of us were taught (from the simple please/thank you/you're welcome, to the harder THANK YOU NOTES), but in todays fast stream media they are frequently forgotten. I liked how she stressed a WRITTEN thank you note is worth ten times the weight of an email. That taking the time to write the thank you note is actually a sign of your respect for the reciever AND for yourself.
You walk away from the book with respect for Norville and all she's attained/survived in her career and for the new career path she's taken herself upon. I definitely recommend this book for all parents!

Disclosure:  Thomas Nelson Publishing sent me this book, at no cost to me, for review purposes.I was NOT compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product!
