Giveaway/ /CLOSED/ Book Review/ Blog Tour: Can God be Trusted? by Thomas D Williams, LC,ThD

Hachette Publishing has done it again- they have sent me a book to review that I did not expect would be SO fascinating and wonderful!

This is an interesting and timely, book based on the bible itself, not any set of denominational tenets (ie Catholic, Mormon). The author is a professor of theology and ethics at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, and it shows in this book. I would LOVE to attend some of his classes! Williams brings together information and writings from many varied sources, and creates a cohesive dialogue on the whys and how God can be trusted in today's world.

This book is NOT a quick read- it requires you to think and reflect on the concepts that Williams is presenting to you, as you read them. I found myself going back and highlighting key points, as it helped me keep them together (much like when I was back in college!) I know I know, desecration of a book, but I think this will be a book I will reflect back on alot in the years to come, or use as a reference!

Williams breaks the book down into 5 sections: Why Trust Matters, Lean on Me, Why Trusting is so Horribly Hard, God's Promises and Making Trust Happen. Within each section he has multiple chapters that delve into the topic at hand thoroughly and support Williams' premise that not only CAN God be trusted, but that he is trustworthy and deserves the trust, he IS our go-to guy. Williams explores the most common obstacles that prevent people from trusting God, including personal betrayals, unfulfilled expectations, and seemingly unanswered prayers.Williams uses the bible as his basis, and shows the definition of trust and trustworthiness, and how they relate to one another, and how we as humans fight both, and can loose both, BUT can regain them if we try.

{ I actually had written a one and half page review (yes, I think the book is THAT great) but as I started to type my review I realized that you really must read the WHOLE book to get the big picture so to speak. And so I decided not to overkill you with my review. Your welcome- it was good though!}

I think this is one of those books that everyone should have who professes to be Christan. Seriously. This is the book, and topics, that should be taught at confirmation classes- so that we have a better understanding of what God ACTUALLY asks of us and what we can expect from him (pg143 has some excellent prayers for this). Williams uses such great examples and points from other sources that it makes more sense to the modern mind.  Williams has a great writing style- he hooks you in and explains, and allows you to think, before hitting you with another topic. This really is a great reference book for anyone, but especially for pastors. I can also see churches using it as a study program book in place of bible study, or in pre- marriage counseling (seriously- it deals with SO many issues that affect marriage, that it was truly an eye-opener on the topic of trust). It really causes you to think on what you have been previously taught and to rethink what you should be doing.

Add this book to your Christmas gift list- those who receive it from you will thank you over and over again!

In the meantime you can check out more on Williams on his website:

AND because Hachette is SO wonderful (truly truly wonderful), they have given me the opportunity to give away FIVE copies to you my lovely readers!


    5  copies of Can God Be Trusted?


Make sure I have an e-mail address, with your comment, so I can contact you, if you win!

If I don't have a way to contact you, you will forfeit your win!

Requirements: must be over 18, resident of US

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6. NEW- Vote for my daughter on the GAP Casting Call Site and get FIVE entries! 
     That's right-FIVE entries! This can be done daily, so you can go to the Gap site and vote daily, then come back here and get ANOTHER FIVE entries DAILY! So make sure your entry shows WHAT day you voted!
  If you get your friends to vote for her also, come back and let me know and you get TWO more entriesSo you can get a total of SEVEN extra entries off this section DAILY!

(I'm not being a stage-mother, I'd just like to get the $500 Gap card if she can be a finalist! Have you SEEN the new Stella McCartney line for Gap? Then you understand-LOL) 

7. If you have entered the Loxly Gallery, Frog Prince Book, Chocolate Cookbook OR Five for Fighting cd giveaways, AND you VOTE for my daughter as per #6 above, you will get the SAME amount of extra entries for those giveaways- you just need to go back into those giveaway posts and let me know you voted and what day, and how many extra entries,etc. So that's a total of SEVEN extra entries daily for those contests as well!

Contest will end on November 19th, at midnight. Winner will be picked by Random Number ( on November 20th, and emailed. As soon as winner's info is received from winner, it will be forwarded to Hachette and the book will be mailed to the winner directly from Hachette (this MAY take a couple of weeks, so please be patient)!

Disclosure: Hachette Publishing sent me this book, at no cost to me, for review purposes.I was NOT compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product!


  1. No need to enter me, Nicole. I'm dropping in to say it's great to meet you! Thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

  2. I follow. This sounds like a deep book that will require some thought.
    Thanks for the chance to win it.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. I would love to win this book. I have been on a Biblical Fiction kick, now onto deeper subjects in the Bible. This sounds like a must read book. Thank you for the giveaway.

    I'm a new follower


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  8. Would love to read this. I'm a subscriber to your feed.

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

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  11. We posted about this at Winning Readings:

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