Product Review: Mudpuppy Mini Cube Puzzles

When we visited NOMA recently to view the Disney exhibit, my daughter found a  36 piece large cut MUDPUPPY Princess Puzzle in an adorable cube container that she just HAD to have! I had never heard of the brand, but the puzzle was cute, I LOVED how an ACTUAL puzzle piece was hooked on the carrying rope, so you can see exactly what size the pieces are, and it seemed like a quality choice! So even though I wasn't too sure how she would do,  I thought it would be a way to interest her in puzzles, and we'd give it a try, as at $10, it was reasonable enough. WOW am I glad we did! 

As you can see from the pictures, darling daughter could easily pick up the pieces and could figure out what pieces went with the princess, the horse (unicorn), the car and mouse (on floor tiles) and sky. the pieces were large and colorful enough to give her a very could visual reference. Great for work on sorting items and them putting them together!

it only took us about a half hour to get the puzzle together, which I thought was super, as she sorted the pieces first, then put the edge together, then the princess, the horse, dog and cat, then sky and filled in the rest. I only helped her when she needed it on the edges. She was able to finish and was VERY proud of herself for being able to do a puzzle "like papa and mama do". I loved that she is learning patience and persistence from such a fun activity.

And as you can see, the pride in finishing the puzzle was evident as well!

We will definitely be purchasing more of these puzzles! Go check out the entire line for yourself- the mini-cubes are a great buy for only $10 and are a great 'rainy day' activity! I liek the next step (42 and 63 piece) puzzles as well, and we will coming back to get some of them as well!