New Orleans Sealebration Members Only Event- Sea Turtles 101

This week we attended the Audubon Institute's New Orleans Aquarium Sealebration Annual members only after hours/behind the scenes event. This was the first year that daughter was really "into" the event and all over the place trying to really experience everything full tilt! they have activities inside and outside of the Aquarium, as well as food and bands. It's wonderful being on the River and enjoying the fun!

Daughter has decided with all the focus on recent events in the Gulf, and the finding of a snapping turtle living under the house (and avoiding capture) that she LOVES sea turtles, so we spent alot of time looking at them, and activities about them, so I'm giving you one post with JUST turtles!

The Wetland Express Center offered kids a chance to learn how to clean turtles affected with oil. They went thru all the steps, putting on special covers, wiping off oil, scrubbing turtles, rinsing them, then placing them in a care pool to be watched for ill effects. It gave them a chance to see what all the volunteers are doing up close and how much work is involved. KUDOS to getting the kids involved! Here are some kids mid-way:

wetland express 1

And the end result, turtles get placed into the care pond and kids get to learn about them. Please note, these were NOT real turtles! They used very real looking plastic ones! Daughter was quite concerned about them getting recoated with oil til the volunteer let her play with one for a minute and be sure it was plastic! That's my kid- "prove it to me! "
wetland express 2

Back inside the Aquarium - daughter and Treme, the turtle, over-bonded and chased each other back and forth along the exhibit for about 15 minutes. It was quite cute and charming!  Treme is one of the endangered green sea turtles and was rescued by Lousiana Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Rescue Program and rehabilitated. She will remain at the aquarium until it is safe to release her back in her natural habitat! Check out their webpage for more info on LMMSTRP

treme the sea turtle

We got to go behind the scenes and see inside the food prep area. Daughter was fascinated with the fact that the turtles love grapes and broccoli like her! you could see the mind whirling about what she needs to feed the turtle at home! Had to remind her that we are not feeding it, we want it to go back to it's home down the road! She was bummed.... Then we had fun trying to get her to overlook the mice and bunny on the table that are food for the large animals (oops- too many cartoon characters there for her)-but we diverted her and she was fine!
turtle food

And of course, we had to come home with Swag, aka MOM, I MUST have a turtle! And a PINK one at that! alt- "turtle swag"