Product Review: Baylis & Harding's Funky Farm Bath Soap

baylis and hardings funky farm soap
Sometime you come across a deal that seems just too good to be true!

Case in point- we recently found a one LITRE bottle of Baylis & Harding's Funky Farm Kids Bath soap at a local discount store for ONLY $2.99.

Having used Baylis & Harding's Lavender Air/Sheet Sprays before, I knew that it would be quality soap. Then I smelled it and went WOW. It has a nice light fruity (light smell of apples) and CLEAN scent!

The hypoallergenic gel doubles as both soap AND bubble bath! The gel is blue and thick and it is easy to see how much is being poured into the bath water. The soap makes some really intense bubbles with very little soap. Daughter wishes they lasted longer, but they last pretty well as far as I'm concerned!

The top of the bottle has a white and blue pump dispenser, which can be sealed with the clear ring underneath it, to stop it being pressed by accident (or by little hands that want more bubbles!).  VERY Mom friendly!

One bottle has lasted us with daily baths, easily 5 weeks! Daughter loves it, it's gentler than other bubble baths we've tried and I love how it can do triple duty (bubble bath, soap and shampoo)! Well worth the price we paid! 

AND yes, we did go back and get the remaining 4 bottles they had at the store the next day, after buying the first bottle! When I saw the price of $13 for the same bottle online, I couldn't believe we got 5 bottles for the price of one!