Has Santa Come to YOUR House Yet?

Oh, I know what you're thinking, but that wasn't what I meant!

In today's technological age, I mean has Santa come to your house via email or snail mail yet?

I have 2 posts for you today about the cute sites I have found that we used this year to allow
Santa to "visit" kiddo!
magic santa logo

The first was a FREE video that allows you to input particulars about your child and have a completed video sent to them FROM, and featuring, Santa!

Magic Santa is a Canadian company that has an adorable idea!

magic santa video

You enter your child's name, age, location, sex, how child's name is pronounced (!!), then upload their photo (this is the part that REALLY freaks out the kids- Santa has THEIR photo!).

Then you enter who sent the card and their photo (ie Mom- also freaks out the kids!).

Then the fun part- you enter an item the child wants AND what they want to be when they grow up!

You then get sent a link to open the video.

When you open the video Santa is in his study and he speaks with the child directly, shows them the card from Mom (or whoever you put), then a magic snowglobe with their picture in it as well as a snowman dressed like what they want to be when they grow up! And he mentions the toy they want. Santa then tells them he is putting them on the good list and puts their card in his good list file cabinet, in it's own drawer.

At this point kiddo looked at me and said " Momma, I gotta be GOOD, he know's EVERYTHING!".

magic santa video closeup

At this point I had one of those "I'm a Mom" moments, because I didn't fall off the chair laughing, I just smiled and said "Yes you do, I told you he sees everything!"

Course then we had to watch it again! I would have put the video on here of her watching it, but she was in my lap at the table watching it on the laptop and the video wasn't very good (mainly because I was trying NOT to laugh hysterically at her facial expressions while watching the video!).

I hope Magic Santa is still around next year, because it was a hit with us and kiddo can't wait for ANOTHER video from Santa! Did I mention it is FREE??????

So get on over there and send your child a video today! They even have an app for your Iphone too!


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