As you all know, I ADORE CSN Stores! You can find anything and everything there! Now that it is time to rejuvenate and work on the house, it's time to check out their many stores for items we need around the house, like a new Modern dining room furniture piece- to go with our vintage table.

they come in fabric AND leather. Decisions, decisions!
But I also love the Cimarron Arm Chairs!
They have such a clean line to them!
I know which ever one I would pick would be of great quality and pretty sturdy. CSN Stores only sell the best!
I found the most perfect boots I've had in a LONG time there, courtesy of their price-matching capability, as you know! I LOVE them- I can't be any happier!
So go check out CSN Stores, you'll need to for the giveaway next week- see what peeks YOUR interest!
Disclosure: This post was posted at the request of CSN Stores. They requested the topic, but everything else is my own thoughts. This post was a requirement for a free review product. No monetary, or other rewards, have been offered.
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