Guest Post: Treasured Tutus for You and You and You

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What do Nicole Richie, Heidi Klum, Katie Holmes, and Madonna have in common? (and yours truly?)

They’re all the proud moms of little girls who love the thrill and frill of tutus! (course mine likes to accessorize with a Pirate hat!)

These puffy, fluffy skirts aren’t just for ballet class anymore. They’ve been taken to the streets by celebrity tots and the trend has spilled over to everyday kids who love the look of the tutu. (and they really make for some ADORABLE formal and informal pictures!)

Here are a few of our favorite tulle treasures that your little girl is sure to adore as much as Harlow, Leni, Suri, and Mercy do:

Lovely in Lavender - This whimsical tutu dress made by Zilly Bean puts your little princess at the center of lots of pomp and circumstance! She’ll be breathtakingly pretty and ready for her fairytale to begin as soon as she’s clad is this truly to die for tutu.

Celebrate in a big way – This birthday tutu will make her smile long before the party starts. A thoughtful gift for the little girl who loves to play dress up, you’ll cherish seeing her beam as she twirls in front of friends and family on her big day.

Simple and Sweet – This little tutu is a wonderful pick for a photo shoot. Soft and feminine, it comes with a pink satin bloomer diaper cover as an added bonus. She’ll love the feel of these layers of tulle and you’ll treasure the grin that comes with them.

So, if you’re looking for a gift fit for a princess, or at the very least a tot who deserves a bit more time in the limelight, take a moment and peruse the offerings available… the array of tutus really is amazing… and it only takes one of these fun, frilly skirts to make the day of the little girl you love!

By Ashley Justice, the fashion writer for My Baby Clothes dot com. My Baby Clothes provides the very best baby clothes, baby hats and baby headbands.
