Product Review: IPiccy Online Photo Editor (AND P.I.P. 2012 Button!)

With Picnik going bye bye, everybody is searching for a new online photo editor!

iipiccy logo

I heard about IPiccy and decided to give it a try while working on a new meme button, for
our annual Pretty in Pink, month-long bonanza, in honor of Kiddo's birthday!

I found Ipiccy to be VERY easy to use- it has all the basics, plus alot of advanced edits, so it meets everybody's needs!

This is the image I started with:

cake meme button 1

I changed colors, added lines,added text, added frame, added vignette and THEN
sharpened everything, and got the meme button:

cake meme button  2

Pretty cool huh? 

I love how it looks so professional!

It would also be great to use for last minute watermarking of photos, before you load them for contests, etc.!

I am definitely hooked, and will keep IPiccy on my tool bar, as it is ALOT easier to
use than the photo editors I already have loaded on my computers!

Give it a try and you'll love it too!

Oh and the PIP button code, is on the right sidebar, 
so you can get those extra bonus points all month!
(remember to check all active giveaways, as effective with this post,
there are FIVE extra bonus points, if you have the PIP Button, ALL month long!)

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I posted this info from my personal experience. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post, from IPiccy. Nor was I told how to post about the program.
