Book Tour: Section 132 by Helga Zeiner

Well last month I had a dyslexia moment and posted my review and giveaway of Section 132 (congrats to Wendy who won the ebook version).

Today is my actual day for the tour, so i am reposting info about the book, my review and links to the tour, so you can head off and enter to win on the other participating blogs! Sorry the mix up guys!

Section 132 blog tour button

SYNOPSIS Lillian is only 13 when her parents marry her to a middle-aged Bishop of a fundamentalist sect who practices polygamy. She is forced to live with her new husband’s many wives and children on his compound tucked away in the Canadian wilderness.

The hardships of poverty and isolation have crushed the will of just about everybody in his flock. They suffer in silent submissiveness, trying to please their despotic leader. He justifies the humiliating treatment of his dependents by citing ‘Section 132 of the Doctrine & Covenants’ of his fundamentalist religion.

Until, one day, Lillian had enough. But it is dangerous to try and escape the Bishop’s iron rule. He practices blood-atonement, which is quietly sanctioned by the ‘Gatekeepers’, an American secret society within the Fundamentalist Mormon Church.
Lillian must find out-side help if she ever wants to leave the Bishop’s compound – but how can she do this if she is locked up without any means of communication? Lillian doesn’t know how life outside a compound functions. She only knows that she can not live like this much longer. Many questions plaque her troubled mind.

Why do her sister-wives put up with this hardship, knowing only a bleak future lies ahead of them? Where do the child-brides come from, the Bishop keeps adding to his family? Where do some of his daughters disappear to, once they come of age? Lillian’s defiance grows with every injustice she witnesses – until she can’t hide her rebellion any longer.
Her desperate struggle to escape leads her into a very dark, very dangerous place. 

But not all is hopeless. When land developer Richard Bergman buys the neighboring property, Lillian’s luck seems to be changing … 

This was a rollicking read from the beginning. It hooked you from page one and kept you reading to find out what the outcome would be. Characters you thought were 'evil' ended up being 'good' and vice versa. More proof that the base human traits know all faiths and piety. The author did an excellent job of bringing life in a polygamist compound to life and showing how not all who live there are happy, or accepting of their lot, as thrust upon them by male elders. This is not a story you will soon forget!

Section 132 by Helga Zeiner
on Tour July-September, 2012

July 26th:  Review & Giveaway~Joel @ Author Joel M. Andre
July 31st:  Showcase~Gina @ Hott Books
August 1st:  Review, Post & Giveaway~DDS @ book r3vi3ws
August 8th:  Review & Giveaway~Cheryl @ The Book Connection
August 9th:  Interview~Cheryl @ The Book Connection
August 15th:  Review & Giveaway~ Kriss @ Cabin Goddess
August 16th:  Review, Post & Giveaway~Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy
August 21st:  Review, Interview & Giveaway~Kari @ From The TBR Pile
August 23rd:  Review & Giveaway~Lauren @ Northern Plunder
August 28th:  Showcase~Lance @ Omnimystery News
August 29th:  Showcase~Molly @ Reviews By Molly
September 3rd:  Review & Giveaway~ Kristin @ Kritters Ramblings
September 8th:  Review, Post & Giveaway~Inga @ Me and Reading
September 10th:  Review, Post & Giveaway~Kathleen @ Jersey Girl Book Reviews
September 14th:  Review~Marjorie @ GoodReads
September 11th:  Review & Giveaway~Kathleen @ Celticlady's Reviews
September 16th:  Review & Giveaway~William @ Two weeks from everywhere
September 19th:  Review, Post & Giveaway~Melissa @ Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's
August 23rd:  Review & Giveaway~Lauren @ Northern Plunder
September 25th:  Review, Post & Giveaway~Farrah @ The Book Faery Reviews
September 26th:  Showcase~Kate @ Read 2 Review
September 30th:  Review & Giveaway~Cheryl @ Sweeping The USA

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Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge, from Partners in Crime program, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, besides a small monetary one, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it


  1. Great review and post. You are so is NOT a story that can be forgotten. Great job!! Thank you.


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