Recipe Weekend Bonus: Leprechaun Punch

Well we ALL know what tomorrow is!

How about surprising your kids with a fun punch?

Leprechaun Punch

Leprechaun Punch

3 scoops of lime sherbet
1.5 cups Sprite

Scoop 3 ice cream scoops full of lime sherbet and put them into a cup. Pour Sprite over the sherbet until it’s fizzy and at the desired amount of liquid in the cup. Additional Ideas: Buy green straws and spoons to slurp and eat the Green Leprechaun. You can also buy St. Patrick’s Day stickers and put them on plastic cups for an additional flair.

four leaf clover

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this recipe, free of charge, from  for blog posting purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it
