Sometime's MOM Needs a SIppy Cup Too!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from Mommy's Sippy Cup, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.


Earlier this year I shared a great giveaway with you, where one of the books was Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay.

Well a new product has come along that puts that notion on it's ear!
(and since Wine has come up a few times this week, more than appropriate!)

Meet Mommy's Sippy Cup:

The Mommy’s Sippy Cup has purple grapes made with pacifiers and green rattles for the stems! 
It is SO perfect for a 'new baby' gift for the new mother! Add a nice bottle of wine and a gift certificate to a nice dinner, and you will have the perfect, unexpected baby shower gift!
AND one that is sure to be the talk of the shower!

I love how it has a 'wine' glass inside the BPA free tumbler with lid that can be closed, to make sure there is no spillage, when Junior tries to grab YOUR Sippy Cup! And it's perfect for any wine- rose, white, chablis, chardonnay, you name it! 

With Summer coming you KNOW you are gonna want one (or more) of these! It would be a great 'Best Friend's " gift too! I'm making sure my name is one mine, so it can't get 'confiscated' my any of my friends or family! They are SO perfect for poolside and beach side! Just remember, no drinking and driving! 

Right now they are having a Mother's Day giveaway featuring the Mommy' Sippy Cup
 Deborah Dove' book Wine In My Sippy Cup, and a Mom at Last WIne Bottle Bag!
AND it's open through May 12th!

So get on over and enter today to win, and get your own Mommy's Sippy Cup!

Thanks for reading this post !
