Safety in the kitchen...aka BURNS

What is the best way to teach your young child about the dangers of a hot stove?
cooking with momOh I know you all have an idea-you're saying it aloud right now aren't you????


Nope, the easiest, and quickest, way is to BURN yourself while they are watching. There is nothing better than a hands on/viewed example! (yes, I AM being sarcastic, I think.....)

The other object lesson would be to NOT cook on the stove when you have worked all night, had a 3 hour nap, then had to spend 2 hours at the doctor's is a recipe for disaster...........

Why would I say this? Because my dumb self did this last week .....yeah I admit it-
dumb dumb dumb.

I was boiling noodles for tuna salad, and went to stir them (old pot, sticks alot, even with oil) and because of my exhaustion, I stir TOWARD me- cardinal no-no that I should have known better to do! Darling daughter is 4 feet away at the fridge entertaining me with the alphabet song on her Leap Frog fridge alphabet talker (side note- who does Leap Frog hire for their voices? I am personally really tired of the woman who sings for the puppy and lily frog-I sorta want to strangle her high pitched voice after 30 minutes of it non-stop-but that's just me....anyhoo....)

So yes you can see the picture, water comes off wooden spoon in a pretty arc and lands smack on my stomach area. Luckily I was wearing a loose t-shirt, however it was made of COTTON. And we all know what that means- that nice boiling water went right THROUGH it....

Due to my exhaustion I had about a 5 second delay. That would be 4 seconds too long folks! By the time I had jumped back from stove it was too late (though I do have to admit it woke me up pretty quickly!). Darling daughter is now screaming because I AM SCREAMING- it was just a little hit- no, more like scorching HOT!

I run to bathroom with little feet following me, with the tune of mama hurt, mama hurt, coming behind (future tv announcer? movie narrator?) for all to hear. Somewhere in the back of my head I remembered first aid and started with cold water. We have a raised sink and a XL whirlpool tub. Now these are great for soaking/accessing, EXCEPT for when you are burned on your stomach- really really hard to get cold RUNNING water ON your wound without putting yourself into a bold twister move and getting 100% soaked......cold compress it is!

Darling daughter is trying to hand me a Hello Kitty band-aid- yes awwww-which is about the smallest thing possible at the moment, as my wound is literally half the size of my palm! I tell her I need the bo-bo cream instead, and I have to go hunting for it in the medicine chest (aka 3 drawer antique dresser made into bathroom storage unit). I finally find it- put it on the wound and realize it is 2 years expired. Oh great............

I hunt down a packet of burn gel that I had left (that wasn't expired). Wound is reclined and on it goes. Off comes half the skin that got burned-it's blister time baby! Ok, so I didn't get a sunburn this summer, so I guess this is my equivalent...SIGH....

I then wrap my shirt up aka Brittney, and darling daughter tuts me....yes dear, i KNOW mama said no Brittneys in this household, but this is an emergency...I give her the Hello Kitty band-aid to put on her new (imaginary) bo-bo. Guess where it was? Yup she's heavy into the modeling stage-she's 2....

Darling daughter and I then go to find my mother who used to work in ER. She advises nothing more can be done, take some Aleve. Darling daughter then proceeds to go through the whole episode to anybody who will listen, cummulating in the comment "stove is HOT and hurts"....hmmm, lesson learned.......and she hasn't touched the stove since..........

I ended up at the doctor's office a few days later as I had an ortho appointment (no rotator cuff surgery thank you-just severely sprained/tendonitis-YEAH), so I figured might as well get doctor to check it out. She's swamped, so I get the nurse-practioner (not a problem for me, as I know most nurses can call it just as well as doctor can...)

The exact quote " Wow that's pretty bad, it's probably gonna leave a scar". Ya think??? Hello, can we just check the wound and make sure it's a moderate 2nd degree burn with no infection? So one $30 co-pay later, I get told I've been doing all the right stuff (clean/antibiotic cream, cover daily, air when you can), just need to add change which cream now that it's healing, and take antibiotics. Right-O

Darling daughter now thinks this is amusing that mama can't use a Hello Kitty band-aid (so un-cool!) and has to look like Brittney around the house to let her burn "air".....She also has to "check" it daily to see what it looks like NOW......(future doctor? nurse?) ....SIGH

Then to top things off, I develop a minor reaction to the regular first aid tape. So I know have what looks like corners to a frame around my burn from where the gauze/tape was. And I had to go buy paper tape because I couldn't use any of the like 30 rolls of first aid tape we have in the house anymore (don't ask me- I have NO idea how we ended up with so much tape and gauze, but we could easily cover a minor triage center). Never fails right?

But all of this got me thinking that we all know how to deal with superficial/first degree burns. It's the second degree ones that can be borderline, and third degree ones that can cause major problems, that some people may not know what to do with...So here's some links to read (and post in the kitchen- I like inside the cabinet door to remind you in case of emergency). It's also a good idea to make a burn care first aid kit and leave it in the kitchen as majority of home burns occur there.

Darling daughter wanted to remind everybody that it is Hello Kitty's birthday! yes folks, 35 years old this year.

Anybody else feel OLD?????????? Remember how it was cool to have EVERYTHING Hello Kitty- guess what? It's making a comeback with our kids- when they start putting it on band-aids, we are DOOMED..............Now where did we put all my Hello Kitty stuff? Got to find that box- will save me a small fortune!
