Wordless Wednesday
** apparently I didn't POST when I finished this last night, NOT enough sleep folks!, so my first WORDLESS WEDNESAY is actually being POSTED early Thursday morning-sorry guys! ***

Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. .....

A warm bunny who thinks he's a BEAR, because he has
the Build A Bear Happy Birthday BEAR song
placed inside him.
teddy bear love 1
Hey she had just turned 2 and was allowed to get what
SHE wanted at Build a Bear....
YOU try reasoning with
a 2 yr old when its her BIRTHDAY present...SIGH)

Bear Bunny as she calls him plays all day with his
fellow stuffed animals and then sleeps when darling daughter
I can not get an awake picture of them together as
"bear bunny is SHY and doesn't like his picture taken".....

okay mom gets the hint, no pix for a few weeks.....
don't worry she'll be begging me to take her pix by then!

check out the other Wordless Wednesday Posts!

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