Makes Ya Think.....

How to you know when you're in the DEEP south?

When you overhear someone on the phone ask the person on the other end
"Where you from, you're not from around here. I can tell by the way you talk"

See up North (frequently referred to as "Yankee land", "Yankeeville", and
"Oh, you poor thing")- ya'll would think it, but would wait til AFTER your conversation
was over with to ask it (what you refer to as manners).

Whereas, down here (frequently referred to as "God's Country", "Where you
should be from", "below the Macon-Dixon line", "Dixie"),
we get it out of the way in the beginning, so we know whether
you can follow along in our conversation or
if we have to give you crib notes....(what we call manners).
