Two minutes..........

What is the definition of 2 minutes?

2% of an hour, 120 seconds, 120000 miliseconds, 120000000000 nanoseconds

Toddler version of 2 minutes: an eternity

To a toddler an eternity= mass destruction time (MDT)

The recent episode of MDT is exposed to Mom with the comment of "Mommy, Look! "

Mommy looks down and sees what appears to be
a) a massive nose bleed that has landed on said toddler's leg
b) a massive leg wound that is hemoraging
c) all of the above

Result: one heart pounding, jaw dropping, OMG moment of said mother, who then proceeds to run said toddler to the bathroom to wash "blood" off and to inspect suspected wound(s).

Upon cleansing with water, toddler starts giggling, and Mom realizes that there is no blood, but what appears to be the explosion of one red bingo dauber upon said toddler............

DECISION: Mom decides NOT to kill child because you are overjoyed she is ok, even if your heart is now pounding SO fast, you think she may have just given you heart palpitations......

MIRACLE- NONE spilled on her WHITE dress or bloomers

1. one of mom's nine lives-maybe two
2. one Hannah Montana bean bag chair- oh well, its purple and pink, and now sorta maroonish....repeat after me Grandma, we are NOT replacing it..........

1. I have an amazing child (come on, if dauber had exploded on me, I'd have been covered in it from head to toe- she had TWO spots), who needs a hazard beeper attached to her!
2. If toddler is being QUIET while watching Ratatouie for the 100th time (this week) she probably is committing a MDT, even IF you can see her head over the top of the sofa and she does not appear to have moved in the past 5 minutes....

WISH: I had been able to videotape this episode- it was hilarious in hindsight, and even a photo would have been great for her scrapbook..oh well, story will be told over and over- LOL

Oh, and no, she's no longer allowed around bingo daubers!


  1. Nicole,

    That's hilarious! Definitely one of those moments that is funny after the fact! lol



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