Product Review: Young Scientist Bubble Kit

I advised you before Christmas of the discount CSN was offering on the Young Scientist Kits. Well Jason, from CSN, also sent us a Young Scientist Bubble Kit to review!

Between 2 weeks downtime with a toddler with Strep throat and the onslaught of the holidays, we totally misplaced the kit (it gets awfully tiring a sick toddler, no they can't go blow bubbles when they keep looking at the kit!). THEN we get hit with a cold front. Sorry, no bubbles in 15 degree weather!

So we FINALLY had some warm weather and I remembered about the kit and we pulled it out and waa-la, we have our third science project! The kit is meant for kids 5 and up, but I would say supervision on this one is necessary til about age 7, due to the bubble swallowing factor on some of the projects!

The kit comes with
  • Glycerin to help make the ultimate bubble solution (need to add your own water and soap)
  • Bands, pipes, wires, and more to help you make giant bubbles, bubble chains, three-dimensional shaped bubbles, and even bubbles coming out of a bubble harmonica
  • Premade bottle of bubbles to get you started

We started off blowing bubbles with the solution provided- an example of that bubble was shown last week on Wordless Wednesday's post- pretty cool- we got ALOT of lift and nice round bubbles using darling daughters's super bubble wands. The magnolia tree in that picture is about 10 feet higher than my house, to give you an idea of the height it got!

So then we went and followed the instructions (which are VERY clear and easy to understand!) to make our own bubbles. We used the glycerin provided, tap water and the extra dishwashing soap I had on hand (Dawn super power, in a nice turquoise shade! LOL). Daughter helped with all measuring and was pretty proud of herself that she made her "own bubbles".

The mix was excellent- we got pretty good size bubbles, they clung to the wands really well and courtesy of  the dish soap, had a really nice smell!

The booklet said to wait 24 hours for even better bubbles from he mix you already made, so we did!
WOW what a difference! The bubbles were MASSIVE and the mix was perfect with the wands to make intricate chains of bubbles.We didn't get quite as much height on day 2, but they were more impressive!

The rest of the kit was definitely aimed more at older kids, and was more involved than a almost 3 yr olds attention span can handle, so we passed on that for now. but it was really neat to have it all together in a box for later use. I can see where this would be a GREAT  Spring/fight the winter blues kit for older kids.

I can;t recommend the kit enough and can't wait to check out one of the other kits with my daughter- maybe Wacky Magnets or the Seeds, Fruit and Plant Part Science Kit!

Disclosure: I received this kit from CSN free of charge, for me to review. I was NOT told how to review the product however.