You Gotta Have Faith, Baby- You GO GIRL!!!

In the You Gotta' Have Faith Corner, we have....
New Orleans' own Superbowl Superstar Kid!

New Orleans Academy of the Sacred Heart second-grader Wesley Warren demonstrated her faith in the Saints when she entered the National Football League's Play 60 Super Kid contest and beat out 20,000 children across the nation to become the finalist.  She is the only girl to win the contest in the competition's three year history which is part of the NFL's initiative to help encourage fitness and reduce childhood obesity.  When the NFL called to tell her that she was the finalist, Wesley screamed and did the "winner dance" with her Mom to celebrate.  She and three other lucky people will travel to Miami from February 2nd through February 8th for the Super Bowl.  Wesley will be a junior spokesperson for the NFL and will hand off the game ball to the refereesSO remember your girl power cheer for when she comes on! She will be on the field for some festivities during the game, and will have several media spotlights with the Cartoon Network and the NFL!

Wesley earned her title by answering the following questions:

1.     Which NFL player inspires you to be fit and why?
Drew Brees is the NFL player who most inspires me to be fit because he has done so much to help my city, New Orleans.  The Saints have made me realize how important team work is and how sometimes you have to work really hard for a long, long, long time to get what you want.  My Mom and Dad think the Saints will go to the Superbowl, and with Drew Brees, I think so too.  He is SAINTSATIONAL!  (My mom told me to say that)

     2.  Using your personal goals stories or experiences, tell us
how you stay active and healthy?
Drew Brees and the Saints have made me and my friends want to play outside with each other and enjoy our beautiful city.  My family always watches the Saints game, and after each win we go to the park to celebrate.

 Now didn't that give you a warm fuzzy, it's meant to BE baby feeling?????
Yup, did me too!

Thanks to the Academy of Sacred Heart website for full info!