Children's Book Review: Letter Birds by Pam Spremulli

I recently received this adorable book from Publishing Works Inc for review and was wowed by it's brilliance!

Premise: the author’s simple and colorful graphic illustrations of birds from around the world make up this delightful book. Every letter has a corresponding bird, from the well-known C for Cardinal to the more obscure and exotic, like L for the brightly colored Lapwing. How many people know what bird starts with “X” or “U” or even “Z”? Children (and parents!) will discover a wonderous array of birds brought to life with fun, colorful illustrations and, in the process, learn the alphabet.

The day the books came in (we got 3 from Publishing Works) my daughter seized this book and claimed it for her own! She is an avid birdwatcher already and loves to sing with "Pretty Boy' (the cardinal that comes to the Azalea bushes to sing to her) and chase the wrens that decide to venture onto the porch (dumb birds- we have a cat who comes out on the porch and delights in chasing them!). She feeds her birds daily and delights in the doves that coo at her as soon as she feeds them. So for her, this book was totally up her alley, so to speak! She was fascinated by the brilliant color of the illustrations and the new words for different letters. We also had quite a discussion on other birds that start with the same letters and the differences between birds! Pretty good for an almost 3 yr old!

This book is a definite keeper (like I could get it away from daughter now? don't think so!), I can see her carting it off to school for quite a few years. So if you like birds and want to give your kids a different ABC book, check this one out!

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Disclosure: I received this book free of charge from Publishing Works, Inc, I was not told how to review it however!