Oh the uses for a Placemat!

I was strolling thru the many emails I get from blog subscriptions and I had to start laughting when I saw this cute little clutch made from a placemat on favecrafts!

It took me back to high school, when my mom used to work at D H Holmes (old Southern department store in the New Orleans area) and they had a huge promo in the linens department, and she got to be the instructor on the many uses for placemats ! This clutch design was one of the simpler ones she made! How funny is that? The 80's really ARE back! HA HA HA

The tutorial can be found on their site (here)- it only requires one placemat, thread and your choice of fastener. HOW easy can that be????

And then more placemat tutorials started coming in, and I thought WOW, this really is weird. BUT I knew I had to pass them on, as they are great and easy crafts to make for Mother's Day! So here they are:

1. You can also fold up one end and sew down to make pockets to make a cell/remote/whatever holder that hangs off your bed, or the side of a chair (under the chair pad)- perfect for chaise lounges by the pool too! Works best when both sides are decorative! (excuse the drawing- I did it freehand in Paint this am!).

Sorry I don't have a pix, I couldn't find the last one we have left! You can change the size of the pockets, based on what you need it for. If you have older remotes for instance, you may need to fold up about 6-8 inches!

2. Child's Play tool belt- perfect for holding craft supplies for Mom or Dad while working on projects too

See the tutorial on The Creative Maven under child's play tool belt!

3. How about a new Coupon Organizer?

Our Old Southern House has a simple tutorial using fabric, but you can use the basic principal and just cut down a placemat! Check it out!

4. OR  you could use one to make a travel organizer

Check out the tutorial on thimble's blog- you can use it for all sorts of things besides a passport! how about a craft case to carrying works in progress?

See there is just NO end to what you can do with a simple piece of fabric!

FYI- Check out World Market (Pier One) if you have one nearby- they're having a great clearance sale of placemats that are gorgeous for all of these crafts!