Book Review: You're Not the Boss of Me by Betsy Brown Braun

youre not the boss of me cover
"Save me! My child is acting like a brat!"

What parent hasn't thought her child was a brat at one point or another? Whether your child really is a brat, is at risk of becoming one, or is simply trying to grow up in a world filled with temptations and distractions, you'll love this book! It's the ultimate hands-on guide to cultivating character traits that are tried-and-true "bratbusters."

Full of no-nonsense, practical "Tips and Scripts," You're Not the Boss of Me offers just the help you need to deal with many of the more challenging behaviors typical of four- to twelve-year-olds. With Betsy Brown Braun's humorous, supportive, and authoritative voice as a guide, navigating some of the most exasperating aspects of these formative years with confidence and laying the groundwork for your child's future just got a whole lot easier!

It's All Here—What to Say and Do to Help Your Child, Chapters Include:  
  • Get Over the Gimmes
  • Tell the Truth
  • Be Self-Reliant
  • Develop Empathy
  • Show Gratitude
  • Be Respectful
  • Take Responsibility
  • Be Independent
  • Exercise Humor
  • and Not Be Spoiled!
Betsy Brown Braun, a known childhood expert, has written a book of practical advice for parents, with each of the ten chapters full of tips and scenarios that can be utilized for better comprehension and understanding of the behavior that is being requested of the child, and by the parent.

Author: Betsy Brown Braun is a Child Development and Behavior Specialist, a parent educator, school consultant, and a multiple-birth parenting specialist. With a master's degree in human development and teaching credentials from Pacific Oaks College, Betsy has more than 35 years of experience in early childhood and elementary education and as a parenting educator. She has taught in both public and private schools, has been a school director, and was the founding director of Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Early Childhood Center. Betsy Brown Braun is a frequent speaker and contributor at educational conferences, schools, and businesses, and to publications, including Parents, Cookie, Parenting, Twins , Family Circle, and USA Today

Review: This is one of those books where you either REALLY need it, or you're already doing most of the things the author suggest, and she just confirms you're on the right track. Most of the book is common sense parenting and if you were raised with hands-on parents, you probably learned most of what she speaks about, as that is how you were raised-call it the value kernels if you will. On the other hand, if your parents were pretty hands-off, the book can be a great resource for you!
Her listing of responsibilities suitable for 2-3, 4-5, 6,7, 8 year olds is very good and offers great advise on what your child SHOULD be able to do on their own at those ages, and sets the stage for allowance limits as well. Her chapter on what should be considered a "community" chore (contribute to the smooth running of the family on a regular basis and must be done, i.e. feeding the pet or washing dishes) and what should be considered "personal" chores (those that relate to the CHILD'S well being and belongings, i.e. picking up their toys and teeth brushing), is also very helpful to setting up a chore chart! 

Overall, I would recommend the book to parents BEFORE their kids get to age 4, as many of the issues surrounding "brattiness" can be curbed before they are started, if you start at the earlier ages. Everything referring to the under 10 crowd is excellent and well worth the cost of the book! As far as the pre-teen/teen area, alot of it is helpful, but it will depend on the relationship you already have with your child as to how successful you can be. 

Braun includes a wonderful appendix chart of Ethical Will from  Grandfather to his Grandson that should be posted as "family rules" in every house, and adhered to! Example: When there is a job to do, do a GOOD job, not a sloppy one. OR, Never make excuses for yourself, OWN UP to your mistakes and don't repeat them if you can help it. Just on those two alone, I bet you are thinking of many adults, who need to follow them too! I bet if people obeyed these more, there wouldn't be much need for this book!