Why I am SO Tired Right Now...

The explosion, aka, everything is out of the shed and on the ground, theoretically 
sorted and ready to go --only took almost an hour! 
(word of caution- pieces are NOT all numbered! ARGH!)

 AH- A building, this is good! Note they are working in the SHADE,
as it is 80 degrees plus WITH humidity central!


I've got darling daughter in the NEW pool, 
trying to keep tools and papers from getting splashed, 
as command central is sharing the same 
LARGE patio umbrella with the pool!
HINT- the blue umbrella above is part of the upcoming CSN product review!!!
(if you guess what it goes to correctly, on this post, 
you'll get TWO extra entries in all the BTHM Blog Birthday Bash Giveaways
(starting this next week!)

Houston, we HAVE a fort!
(Thanks Daddy, Papa and Papa C!!!)

Actually we have a "Ice Cream and Snowball Stand", 
per darling daughter.
The guys got the 'building' part completely DONE today!
Woohoo- only 10 1/2 hrs today!

Now tomorrow we have to put the REST of it up.....SIGH...

And now you know why the entire household is WORN flat out 
and has a lack of interest in pretty much anything right now!

One thought-THANK GOD for POWER tools!
Otherwise this would have been a one week adventure!

More when it's completed....maybe, if we're still able to type....HA HA