Not Going to Blogher?

If you're like me, you couldn't afford to go to Blogher in NYC, or get sponsorships to cover the costs. personally I'm still miffed that it wasn't in New Orleans, like originally planned, but that's just me!

So are ya gonna sit at home and mope? NOPE!

You're gonna run on over to ToBeThode or Musings of a Marfan Mom and join up in their No-Go Blogher blog hop, and stay home and win stuff and have fun visiting other blogs!! Consider it an at-home networking experience!

You can get the button now and put up on your blog, and they will give out more details on Saturday, including some of the prizes that will be available,  and the questions you will need to post on your own blog to participate.

The linky will be available on Wednesday… and yes, it will! I have a few prizes that will be available for Canadians so be sure to link up if you are from Canada! So get the button below and add it to your button for some 'stay at home fun'!
