Thomas the Train Playdate at Toys R Us!

thomas playdate logo

This weekend we had a Mommy-n Me Day that was highlighted by a Thomas the Train Playdate at Toys R Us! This was the first playdate at Toy R Us that we have gone too and daughter enjoyed it greatly!

When we arrived, they had a table decorated with an adorable Thomas the Train tablecloth, and a Thomas DVD playing in the background (unfortunately, where they set the table up was catty-corner from the dvd player, so it was to hard for the kids to see the video, but they could listen just fine).  All the kids were given a Thomas the Train hat, that they could color later (my daughter decided NOT to color hers, she wanted to leave it on her head) (note: we have an adorable Thomas the Train over-all set, but unfortunately 'somebody' has grown 2 inches in the past month and it no longer fits! WAAAA, so we opted for the cute chicken outfit to wear for the day instead!).

Then all the kids received a Thomas the Train coloring page and crayons in a cute Thomas the Train color holder! Moms all really liked the holder, as it's perfect for putting in Mom's purse, to have handy whenever you go out somewhere with kids!). As you can see, they were all ready to start coloring immediately!
coloring thomas

Then they got a cute Thomas the Train poster with missing parts and a sticker page of parts to put on the poster. This was a HUGE hit! All the kids LOVED putting stickers on the poster (what kid doesn't love stickers?)
stickering thomas

Then the kids got down to serious playing with the Thomas trains that they had on the table for them. There was some serious competition for Harold the Helicopter and Bertie the Bus! Apparently none of the kids had them at home!
fighting over harold n bertie

Due to do age of the kids there (under 4), they weren't quite interested in being read a story, they all like 1 on 1 story reading, per all the parents there. Daughter was the only one who paid some attention. SIGH, at least she has some manners, right??? LOL

We had stopped at the cookie store earlier (see separate post) and had some small sugar cookies, so we shared them with the rest of the kids at the playdate, as it was actually one of the boy's birthday that day (hence the birthday balloons in the background)! The kids thought I was the best- Thomas and cookies- hoorah!
hooray for mom

We were finished with everything in an hour, but the playdate was for 2 hours. naturally daughter was begging for Harold and Bertie by this time, and as they had given us quite a few Thomas coupons, including 1 for Buy 1 wooden Thomas the train, get 1 for half off. So we went off in search of Harold and Bertie. We found Harold, but no Bertie. Daughter was SO disappointed, so I let her look around more in the store to aleve the blahs!

A couple more kids came in for the playdate and finished early too, so the employees went and found those of us still in the store from the playdate, and gave all the kids one of the trains they had had out for playing with. As I had asked to BUY the missing one, take one guess what daughter scored:


Yup- she was happy as a clam to take Bertie home!

All in all it was a great playdate and I will be happy to bring daughter back for future playdates at Toys R Us!

toddler tuesday button

Disclosure: All thoughts and comments are also my own, and are based on our experience while at Toys R US. I was not told how to review the the playdate by Toys R Us,  nor offered any compensation for the post!