Toddler Tales: First Movie!

I'm gonna have to change that title aren't I when somebody starts pre-school in TWO weeks! Somehow Preschool Tales doesn't have the same ring does it? Any suggestions? Am wide open to any ideas!

Anyhoo, daughter just wasn't able to sit still long enough, so we had waited to take her to the movie theatre for the first time (and yes, I like to spell it the British way- sue me, no wait sue BP, right!). But Papa and I had both promised her if she started acting like the big girl she is, we'd take her to the movies, namely :
toy story 3 logo

She did really well and loved having a drink and popcorn as a special treat with the movie. She sat thru it pretty well, laughing out loud alot, until near the end (don't want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it, but for a 3 yr old it got a little tense, so we took a bathroom break). She loved the ending and was thrilled to see the movie on the BIG screen! We were very impressed and now know she's ready for movies this length! Yeah!
happiness is movie night

Hard to tell, but there's a pretty big SMILE on that face- I forgot to bring the camera, so we had to deal with cell phone camera and not alot of lighting- I was lucky to lighten it as much as I did!

AND for those of you who DID go see the movie, did you know that Pixar has a book out with the characters from the short film, before Toy Story started?

night and day book cover
In this 40 page 8x8 picture book by Chronicle Books, Day meets Night and Night meets Day. Kids will delight in the way these two characters explore their differences and eventually realize how much they like and enjoy each other. A wonderful way to experience the magic of this Pixar short again and again and—rejoice in the attraction of opposites! Daughter greatly enjoyed this short and was practically hysterical with laughing so hard at it! I'm definitely adding the book to our next trip to the bookstore!

Check out an inside look at the short, making of the film or the short trailer!