Mailbox Tuesday: Sewing Machine Cover

Well another week and no samples to try, BUMMER....

BUT I did get an email this past week with links (and this one, and this one), about how to make a quickie sewing machine cover. and I though aha! I so need one- when I traded in my old Singer, the plastic cover I had for it does not fit the new Baby Loc, so it sits exposed to cat (and now doggie) hair, but I didn't want to shell out the dollars for a new cover...what to do.....

Well I was at my local close out household store and I spotted a great window curtain valance, light confederate greyish blue with brown flourishes in a silk type material, for only 75 cents before school started. I grabbed it, thinking I could use it for some sort of sewing project later...

TADA-today would be that day!
sewing machine cover 1

Seriously, it took me TEN minutes to make this cover, ONLY because I accidently ran over a needle and had to fix and rethread, which wasted about 4 1/2 minutes- this is the quickest projects! Which was also why I forgot to take pix, but I think you'll get the idea.

This is HOW simple:
  1. Drape valance over your machine, long way, so you can see where to cut off excess. 
  2. Cut off excess and pin up bottom edge, for quickee hem. Sew hem. 
  3. If you have enough fabric left, take leftover piece and line up the opposite way with your cover (inside out), pin. When you get to the top 2 inches, you may have to cut the scrap fabric in an arc, to remove excess fabric. Then pinch to pleat so that you can pin to the existing cover (I ended up with 4 mini pleats). 3. Sew up around edge (this was where I accidently hit the pin-so be careful!). 
  4. Take any ribbon and cut long enough so that you can sew on both sides of other end and be able to make a bow with. I cut about 14 inches. 
  5. Sew one end of ribbon to each open side on underside. make sure to line up with each side. Cut ribbon in half. 
  6. Turn cover back right side. Put on machine. Tue a bow. Done in 10 minutes. EASY!! 
sewing machine cover 2

You can also use the idea for any rectangular scrap fabric, or pretty towels, you have. To give you an idea, my measurements on step one were: 26inches long (coming over machine) by 17inches wide. This would be a great project for you and the kiddos to make for Christmas and/or Birthday presents as well!