New Orleans Aquarium Sealebration Photos

I thought it'd be easier to show you what fun we had and what we got to see via photos- as usual, you know me!- ENJOY! 

I'm ready for my close up! (I swear he SMILED before I clicked the shutter!)

Fun with different crabs- daughter got to touch a Horsehoe Crab!

Shark time at the Gulf of Mexico exhibit!

Jellyfish can be fun- the black lights make them really visible!

Can you find the sea horse? We played that game at 5 different exhibits!

Every time we go we take a pix of daughter in the Shark Head-it's been a
great measure of how much she's growing! 
This year she wanted to take it by herself and posed like a model!
shark head

Caribbean exhibit-neon fish!
caribbean fish

 Biggest hit of the day= Stingray feeding in the tube!
The rays were relentless going after the one fish- got some great shots!

Every good event needs some extra special Swag
meet Al, the alligator (thanks Grandma!)
Yup, the backseat was crowded with the sea turtle, the kid and the alligator!