Top Shelf Book Giveaway / August


Sorry for the delay in getting this post, it's been a busy week around here with getting ready for school and daughter wanting to do alot of crafts and activities!
So here they are -some new ones, some old. I promise next month will be a big change on the shelf!

top shelf books 1
Divine Secrets of the Ya Yas by Rebecca Wells   
    (classic SOUTHERN/ great movie!)
This One is Mine by Maria Semple
No Time for Gomez by Graham Parke
Born in Death by Nora Roberts (aka JD Robb)  

What to Wear for the Rest of Your Life-
   Kim Gross
Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson
Stripped by Brian Freeman

top shelf books 2
Totally Toned Arms by Rylan Duggan
Someone to Love by Jude Devereaux 

Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessi A Drink of Deadly Wine by Kate Charles
Benny and Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti
Knit, Purl and Die by Anne Canadeo
Hear No Evil by Matthew Turner
The Witness at the Wedding-Simon Brett
7th Heaven- James Patternson 
Husband and Wife by Leah Stewart
Ice Child -  Elizabeth McGregor 
Malpractice in Magoody by Joan Hess

To The Nines- Janet Evanovich
Just Let Me Lie Down by Kristin von Ogtrop
Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs
top shelf books 3

One Winner will receive THEIR choice of book from this list1
(make SURE you list the book you want in your FIRST entry!!)


Make sure I have an email address, with your comment, so I can contact you, if you win!   
If I don't have a way to contact you, you will forfeit your win!

USA/ Canada
3 day winner's rule : Winner has 3 days to acknowledge they won prize,
and confirm address, if no contact, then new winner will be picked in their place. 
Please post each entry separately, i.e. 2 posts for Subscribing:
  1. Subscribe to the blog (2 entries)
  2. Follow this blog on Google Friend (2 entries)
  3. Signed up for the New Year, New Self Program on this Blog (2 entries)  Must have signed up/commented under the Original Post for the NYNS Program! 
  4. Follow me on Twitter AND tweet about this contest (3 entries)  (this can be done DAILY for 3 entries PER day)  
  5. Have the “New Year, New Self Program” Button on your blog (3 entries)
  6. Put the "Bless Their Hearts Mom" Button on your blog or website (3 entries) 
  7. Blog about this giveaway (5 entries)
  8. Enter this post link in a Giveaway Linky on another site (5 entries)** MUST provide link to the Giveaway Linky!

Contest will end on August 31st, at midnight. Winner will be picked by Random Number ( on September 1st, and emailed. As soon as winner's info is received, I will get the book in the mail to them during the following week.

Disclosure: Some of these books were sent to me free of charge, for review purposes, by assorted publishing and PR firms. Others were purchased by myself for my own enjoyment, and donated to the top shelf for this giveaway.