Book Review: Skeltons in the Swimmin Hole, Tales from Haunted Disney World by Kristi Petersen Schoonover

Well it's Halloween my dear readers and I wanted to share with you a great little Ghost Tale of a book for adults!

I wasn't too sure what to expect when I saw the promo for this book and that the author was looking for reviewers. I'm glad I contacted her and received a review copy, as this is a super book to be reviewing on Halloween!

Synopsis: In these chilling ghost stories set in Disney Parks, a thief is haunted by her sticky-fingered past. A woman wants an angry spirit to stop torturing her. A teenager demands her parents expel her wicked sibling. And a pilot wishes to unload his eerie cargo. But each will discover exorcism isn't as easy as going to Disney World. Fans of Down & Out in the Magic Kingdom and Lord Vishnu's Love Handles should find these literary horror stories an E-ticket ride.

skeletons in the swimmin hole coverAbout the Author: Kristi Petersen Schoonover's short fiction has appeared in a host of magazines and anthologies. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College, and hosts the paranormal fiction segment on The Ghostman & Demon Hunter Show broadcast,, and serves as an editor for Read Short Fiction, She teaches the first-ever online course in crafting the ghost story as part of a Paranormal Fiction course for To Write Well,, and lives in the Connecticut woods where she still sleeps with the lights on.Her website is

Review: I HIGHLY recommend this book for all lovers of things Disney! While not every story takes place AT Disney World, Disney World is involved heavily in every story! It is the perfect Halloween hostess gift, and for difficult to buy for teens! Schoonover lists Poe (if you have to ask WHO?, skip to the end of this post and move on! SIGH), and it shows in her writing. I finished this book over 5 days ago, yet her dead animal story, Skeletons in the Swimmin' Hole, is still with me. Now that's a good storyteller!So check out this book and pick it up for some eerie tales...just make sure when you hear a noise in the middle of the night, it's not something from the Swimmin' Hole tales!

Be sure to check out a short tale from Schoonover, on her blogThe Cemetery of  Dismembered Dolls!


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