Mailbox Tuesday: Crest Pro-Health For Me Anti-Cavity Kids Toothpaste

Thanks to VocalPoint we recently got to try out a sample of the new Crest ProHealth For ME Anti-Cavity Kids Toothpaste!
Aimed at kids 8-12, it helps prevent cavities and freshens breath—all with a light herbal mint flavor and cool packaging kids will love.

Kiddo is always up to try a new toothpaste, she may not always like them, but she's game for an attempt!

We both liked the smell and look of the toothpaste.

Unfortunately, kiddo got it in her mouth and changed her mind about liking it. Quote: "ewww, too spicy". Well, to a 3 yr old, strong mint taste=spicy! So it was a no-go for her!

So instead, Mom stayed as the primary sampler! Even for me I found the mint was a tad much, where they got 'light' is beyond me! Think triple spearmint and you're close! I don't see where a pre-teen/teen would like it much better either. As for cleaning though, I found it did a great job and I would not be adverse to using it full time. I'm not sure whether the 'packaging' is really something that a pre-teen would be all excited about like Crest claims- you don't see it much when you're holding the tube!

Overall, it won't be replacing kiddo's Colgate Watermelon toothpaste or our normal toothpaste, but in a pinch, it will do for us quite nicely!


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