Morning with St. Nicholas

Today is St. Nicholas Day!

st nicholas art
St. Nicholas was born in the 3rd century, he was a simple person who decided to start giving his wealth to the poor and unfortunate, with special attention to children.  Today's Santa Claus evolved from the legend of the real St. Nicholas. 

As some of you know, we had our annual (hopefully!) Morning with St Nicholas event this weekend  at our church.

We celebrate with St Nicholas so we can remind children about the TRUE meaning
behind Santa Claus. Every child receives a couple of toy coins from St. Nicholas, to reinforce giving of valuable items to others.

                         The St. Nicholas Center website  does a wonderful job of offering the history of St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas Day traditions, including recipes and crafts. 

We referrnced them for our informational flyers for parents!

Here's some pix from the day. Yes, I was the photographer! AND guess who was
St Nicholas?   Yup the same person who I told at age 6 that he wasn't REALLY Santa Claus at our
school Meet Santa Claus event- HA HA

st nicholas n kiddo
(Yes, she figured it out too- but she understands about Santa's helpers, so we're good!0
This outfit was for her official Christmas Card photo- nope, not gonna show ya yet!

kiddo n daddy
Our test photo with Daddy- photogenic isn't she?

tree kiss
Kiddo had to test to see if the tree is real or not!

craft table
We had swirly ornaments, Santa hand print ornaments, and Santa or Gingerbread Cottage
foam frames for the kids to make. On other tables we had coloring pages with St. Nicholas and decorate your own Christmas tree cookies!

We ALWAYS have to take pictures by the fountain! If she's dressed up, it derigeur!

Kudos to my Aunt Ali who came out and was the photo printer with the mostest! SHE ROCKS!


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