Product Review: Step360 Stepper Exerciser

butterfly girl

 As you all know, we're anti-resolutions on this blog, and rather make small changes
   so this week I'm showcasing some books and products that can help you make the
     small changes in your life, that may lead to larger ones!  ENJOY!

This review took awhile due to tripping over the dog and landing badly on my foor on the stairs and breaking (again) a couple of toes and spraining the bones and bottom of my foot- really puts a hamper in your exercising if you can't step down on the stepper! but I've finally got where I can start using it and I knew it would be a perfect day for reviewing it here!

The Step360 Step Aerobic Platform was created by John Cole, who wanted a better balanced way to practice his karate kicks, than the BOSU trainer he had been using. By placing a plank of wood on top of 2 innertubes he put together, he made himself a more stable step to practice on. It more than met his expectations- he found the wobble to be perfect for working out the inner core muscles, as you worked on other muscle groups- effectively giving you a 2 in 1 workout!

The Step360 is really good sized- you don't feel like you are going to come off of it at all, no matter what your size or weight! You feel the wobble the minute you step up on it, AND you feel your abdominals contract- you KNOW your body is balancing you! it remind me in a way of the old flexible skateboards we had growing up- you feel your whole body working together for balance! PLUS, you can adjust the pressure inside the tubes based on your level.

The Step360 is like other steppers in that it has resistance bands with handles that attach to it. BUT unlike other steppers, you can place them at any of the 6 points on the top for a customized workout! The top is also lightly cushioned, making it comfortable to use it for pushups or kneeling on!

step360 pose
Step360 teamed with fitness expert Jessie Pavelka to make 8 revolutionary training video programs (6 on the original dvd, 2 on the bonud dvd) featuring short high-energy bursts of Cardio + Strength Quickies. Studies show that Fast Interval Training can burn up to 9X more fat than regular cardio alone, while sculpting lean muscle and supercharging your metabolism. After ONE of these, you will feel the burn and your muscles will be wowed, and you WILL jump-start your metabolism! Seriously, I did 3 days worth of abbreviated workouts and not only did I NOT gain weight, I lost a couple of pounds, and this was as I hit the dreaded monthly 4lb water weight gain! I love that every day you do a different workout from the one the day before- it keeps you interested!

These workouts are AMAZING! The Step360 comes iwth a recommended 30 day program recommendation, and you can download the 90 day schedule on their website.

I have always loved steppers as part of my exercise routine- they and rowers just 'fit' with what I like, and I LOVE the Step360- I love the balancing- I can not say enough about how much it works your core muscles. Even after only 5 minutes of stepping on and off, you will FEEl it! And like all exercise programs we start in the new year- if you can feel it and more importantly SEE results, you're more likely to stay with the program. Trsut me, with the Step360, you will WANT to stay with it!

Check out this You Tube preview and you can see exactly what you CAN do with it!

I liked that they don't send you a restrictive 'diet plan' with the Step360. Rather they offer some great diet tips about what foods to eat and what to avoid, and how often you should eat to fuel your body, and how many calories it needs daily. They offer some tasty recipes that range from 260 calories for breakfast to 450 for dinner. Which is where most people should be while dieting. An example: dijon mustard/honey/rosemary crusted baked pork chops served with applesauce, small baked potato and a tossed green salad (with vinagrette) is ONLY400 CALORIES! I don't know about you, but that's sensible and great tasting diet food to me!

They Step360 does come with a 7-Day express guide to help you loose a jean size in a weekend, if you want to detox your body and start with a quick weight loss. At 1200 calories a day, it's not bad, as their is variety. While it's not necessary, some people may want to start with it to see more results!

I know this isn't the cheapest exercise device on the market, but it works for ALL parts of your body, takes up less space than a workout machine or free-weight bench, and can be moved whereever you want it-as it is so lightweight! you feasibly could even take it with you on vacation, just deflate and pump up at your destination and again to come home! i am super excited that I had the chance to review this Step360, as it is now my exercise regimine of choice!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this product, free of charge, from Gaiman, for review purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it either


  1. That looks really, really cool! I love exercise equipment that offers a fun overall workout yet doesn't take a lot of space!

  2. @Melissa

    It really is- it's so basic of an idea and it just works so WELL it's scary! Simplicity is usually best!

    I love that I can stand it up and get it out of the way as well!

  3. Super cool. I just got mine and Love it!!!!


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