Product Review: L'Oreal Paris Studio Secrets One Sweep Eye Shadow and Double Extend Eye Illuminator Mascara

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It's not often that I get to do a makeup review (for some reason, I never seem to qualify for the surveys/reviews)! So I was thrilled to be able to be part of the Bzzz Agent Maybeline campaign this month!

I was sent products for my eye color, Hazel. I received both the L'Oreal Paris One Sweep Eye Shadow and Double Extend Eye Illuminator Mascara for review. Both are designed and customized for your eye color.

The Studio Secrets One Sweep Eye Shadow applies three shades in one effortless sweep for a professional multi-shadow look. The eye shadow comes with it's own unique applicator, that is contoured to fit your eye. I was sent the Playful, For All Eyes Set. The colors were complimentary, what I call "everyday browns". I actually wish I had been sent the Playful Green/Hazel eye set, as my eyes tend more to green hazel, and it would be perfect for summer. But this set is great for keeping in your purse for a quick usage when you ran out pf the house without any eye makeup!

It does take getting used to the applicator, as you have to reverse it for your off hand. The sweep is basic. If you are used to shadowing your eyes differently, it make seem odd to you as well. It did to me, but then I do a more involved shadowing normally.  (Sorry for the phone pix for before/afters, but I was in a rush, as I had forgotten to get a pix with them!)
This pix is strictly the shadow by itself.

shadow pix
I found that the shadow lasted well through about 5 hours, then needed a touch up. Now in humidity it was another story. Like any other eye shadow, you're lucky if you get more than an hour. The second time I wore it outside, I set it with top powder and it lasted much better!

Double Extend Eye Illuminating mascara intensifies and highlights eyes with a lengthening black mascara basecoat and illuminating topcoat. The mascara comes in 4 choices for blue, green, brown and all eyes, choices. I was sent the Black Quartz for all eyes. The mascara is safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.

The Black mascara lengthens and intensifies your lashes (YES it does a super jobs on this), while the Quartz illuminates your lashes with light reflecting beads that highlight your eye color and actually help to make your eyes POP, aka look younger! It claims to be clump-free, and flake and smudge resistant as well.

The 2-step process takes some getting used, as if you're used to wearing mascara conditioner under brown or black mascara, it feels like you're going in reverse! The wand on Step 1 definitely separates and lengthens very well! I was impressed just using it! The small round wand on Step 2, is perfect for applying a light topcoat and depositing the pearls. After the first couple of uses, I got used to it and it is now my mascara of choice, as I found I do NOT need the eye lash conditioner under it, as some other mascaras needs!
This pix is with the shadow and mascara, you can really see the lengthening of the lashes on the right eye, and how my eyes look lighter-it's weird, but it works!

shadow and mascara pix

I found that the mascara was immensely smudge proof! Even in our severe humidity! I always use an eyelash curler and I found that I had less clumps with this mascara as well! I liked the illumination- it REALLY does make your eyes pop! The point though is YOU will not see the illumination working, but others will! Only after 3 people asked me what makeup I was using, as I looked younger, did I realize THEY could see a big difference. You wouldn't think that it would, but for under $10, its a great age eraser!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received these products for review purposes, free of charge, from L'Oreal Paris via Bzzz Agent ! i will also receive points, on Bzzz Agent,  for my review/contacts made about the products. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about the products! As with any health/beauty aid product, my experience is just that, your's may be different.
