Product Review: Boiron Oscillococcinum

With the severe sinus symptoms I've had over seasonal allergies, there have been QUITE a few days where "functioning" is a hated word in my vocabulary! If I take meds that work on the sinus problem, then I feel like I'm in a fog, if I don't taken them, I can't function at all!  Now at night, this is ok, I can just go to sleep, no big deal. But during the day, there has been work, Kiddo's last week of school, and household chores! So I needed something to keep me going. Luckily I had the solution in my medicine cabinet!

Oscillococcinum by Boiron!

It works on body aches, chills, headache, fever and that genera; 'just feeling down' feeling! And it is non-drowsy!

Oscillo has been used for more than 65 years, it is the first flu medicine recommended by pharmacists. It has a remarkable record of safety and can be recommended to patients over age 2, and those who are following other treatments or suffering from chronic conditions. Oscillo will not cause drug interactions or side effects, because it is HOMEOPATHIC- it has NO drug interactions.  Which means, i could take it WITH my sinus meds! WOO HOO!

it worked really well with me. I was able to keep on functioning during the day with no fog and I ended up sleeping like a log at night- which I think was sleep my body needed (the old "motherhood once every few months catchup on sleep" concept!). I count that as a success !

The next time I feel the flu coming on, I will definitely take it- it has been shown in multiple studies to REDUCE the severity AND duration of the flu! YEAH BOIRON! As with all 
Boiron products I am really impressed with how well their products have worked for me!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this product, free of charge, for review purposes for this blog, from Boiron.No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or 
implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about them.As with any health product, my experience may be different than yours, as no two human's biological makeup or reactions are identical
