Guest Post: Motherhood by Robin Green

mom and son

It's Dad's month this month, but I couldn't resist posting this ode to Motherhood, as I know with Summer upon us, many of you will totally agree with everything Robin says!

I love being a mom.

 I love those mornings when my two kids crawl into bed with me even though they are teenagers. We watch tv and talk and laugh about life. I love the way my son compares my hands to his, and the way my daughter still looks like a little girl when she sleeps. I cherish the out of the blue “I love you” and “thank you”. Most of the time I have to remind them to use these polite phrases.

 It’s fun to watch and listen to them as they want so badly to be adults. Small things still make being with the kids everyday exciting. Now that the kids are older they are very involved in sports and activities, so it is awesome when we have time for quality time together, like a dance party in the living room, a family movie or game night. I cherish the memories of trips to the park, forts built in the living room on a rainy day and playing in the sprinkler.

Yep, I love being a mom. But, as much as I love being a mom there are days when I feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, and completely unfit for this important job.

There are days when the joys seem to be outnumbered by the hardships. When teenagers whine, complain and have an attitude it really tests my patience and sanity. Some days I feel like a short order cook, a ref, and a maid. There are days when I have driven the ”mom taxi” all day to come home and realize the laundry is as tall as Mount Everest and no one has clean clothes to wear. These are the days that I question my competence as a mom.

How does everyone else make it look so simple?

I worry about everything - I worry about their safety, fitting in at school, random freak accidents, the teenage years and making sure they get enough healthy food. Oh yeah, skin cancer! Trying to get them to wear sunscreen is enough to send any mother over the edge (they think that sunburn will result in a beautiful tan). I can’t watch the news because the stories terrify me. Being a mom often means feeling helpless to protect the most precious things in your life.

Oh, and are they precious. My kids mean the world to me. Being a mom is both the hardest and most rewarding job!

Robin Green, a mom to two teenagers, a kindergarten teacher and a freelance writer for My Baby Clothes dot com. Dress those little ones in comfy baby clothes, frilly tutus and beautiful baby headbands.
