DVD Review: VeggieTales Princess and the Popstar

Calling all VeggieTales fans! 

There is a NEW dvd coming out August 3rd!

Princess and the PopStar was recently sent to us to preview and showcase, as part of being a VeggieTales ambassador!

princess and popstar dvd cover
Synopsis: Princess Poppyseed’s life on her family’s farm is far from the glamorous world of her favorite pop singer Vanna Banana.  While Princess milks the cows and dreams of a life on stage, Vanna has her own dreams of a life far from the hectic pace of stardom that leaves her feeling alone and lonely.  

On a chance meeting at a playground, Vanna and Princess cross paths and realize they look almost exactly alike, which leads to the crazy notion that maybe they could switch lives!  In a flash, the girls’ secret plan is launched and Princess is whisked to her new life as a pop star while Vanna gets to live her dream of a life away from the pressure of fame!  

As Princess tries to live up to the demands of being a diva and Vanna learns how to milk the cows, things don’t go as smoothly as they would like!  As each girl realizes the life they longed for doesn’t fulfill all their dreams, they learn that the life God gave them is the one for which they were uniquely and lovingly designed.

Review: We used the dvd as a special showing during our VBS. It fit perfectly on the day we had it, as we were discussing patience,kindness and self-control. All the kids, no matter their ages, were just as entranced with the dvd, as Kiddo had been when we previewed the dvd when it came in! I was very happy with the after-discussion to see HOW much the kids had learned from the dvd and how they could apply it to what they had learned that day in VBS! In fact, at the last day, 2 weeks later, I asked them during their performance what they had learned, and again, they all were able to speak about the dvd and the lessons they learned! 
veggie tales pricess

And that is the magic that is a VeggieTales movie! The bible lessons aren't overdone or hitting you over the head. They are nicely incorporated into the story and in a way that kids can understand and most importantly REMEMBER! Obviously being modeled after a recent kids popstar (which luckily Kiddo was way too young to get involved in-WHEW!) helped them make some connections quicker! The songs were engaging and got the smaller kids up and dancing right away!

I liked how the dvd started off as part of a Q&A with Bob and Larry, answering a young pre-teen's question. It helped the older kids relate to what was coming as something they have felt more than the younger kids. The additional Silly Song video of The History of Fashion: Astonishing Wigs, was a hoot- though the fashion puns were more understood by the adults more (hardy guffawes from adults during it! (One word-bellbottoms-remember when you watch it below!)

See- FUNNY! AND for a limited time you can get a bonus pack with the dvd AND cd of the songs from it for under $15 online at the VeggieTales store! AND I will be including a $3 off coupon in ALL winners packages this month!  So if you win anything here on BTHM, you'll get a coupon! 

VeggieTales movies are ones you don't have to worry about your kids watching. Usually you won;t have to explain anything, even to the younger kids, and you'll be happy with what they learn! We heartly recommend ALL their movies! And be sure to check out the VeggieTales website for fun games, music and coloring pages!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  We received this dvd for promotional purposes, as part of the Veggie Tales Ambassador Program. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about the movie.


  1. My daughter loves Veggie Tales! I think they are funny for adults, too :)


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