Louisiana Activities/ Book Signing: Mo Willems at the Garden District Book Shop

amanda and her alligator coverDo you know Pigeon? What about Gerald the Elephant or Piggie? Or what about Knuffle Bunny? 

Or Amanda? What about her Alligator?

If so, then you know Mo!

mo reading amanda
We recently took Kiddo to meet one of her favorite authors, Mo Willems, for a book signing at the Garden District Book Store in Uptown, New Orleans. The garden District Book Store is very small, so the reading was actually held in the plaza area between the shops at the Rink, a historic building made into shops! It was definitely well needed, as the reading was packed to overflowing! A plus, as Mo himself pointed out: "the only kid's book signing I've been to that served wine for the adults!" (they did have soda and cookies for the kids too). Yup, New Orleans baby! 

Mo started off reading Kiddo's favorite book, Amanda and her Alligator. As you can see, ALL the kids were fascinated and enthralled! 

mo reading should i share
Then read his NEW book Should I Share My Ice Cream?. It is an adorable book and one that most kids will find just as hilarious as adults will! Mo's drawings, as always, are adorable and very very funny!

Kiddo was delighted with BOTH reading and Mo was hilarious! No pendantic reading for him- he EMOTES! Which makes the book come to life and TOTALLY enraptures the kids! I'm not sure who laughed harder- the adults or the kids!

kiddo and mo
Kiddo then got to meet Mo up close and have him sign her books- she played shy, but she was just awed to meet him. He drew her a funny little figure on both books, which she still will tell you ALL about when you ask her about them! it's funny, as she's met so many authors (yeah, I believe in fostering 'meet the author moments'), and she always acts SO nonchalant, but later at home, she'll talk NON-stop about it!

kiddo and piggie
kiddo and elephantThen an added bonus- Elephant and Piggie came too! AND they brought Pigeon. Kiddo was very happy indeed! (though a little leery of Pigeon having an accident on her head-LOL). Overall, I will admit (and Kiddo concurs), this was THE BEST kids book signing we've been to in the past 4 years! THANKS MO!

Check out his blog for upcoming book signings and go see MO!

While GDBS had refreshments out, I needed caffeine, (especially since we had spent all morning/early afternoon at the Cool Zoo at Audubon Zoo), so afterwards we went to the Still Perkin Coffee Shop downstairs, same building (also has street front entrance)- EXCELLENT coffee (their espresso JUST about made me swoon-seriously best I've had in a LONG time!) and Kiddo swears by their sugar cookies (which I ordered without looking at- they were HUGE (enough for 2 kids!). 

Papa found a copy of True Grit he had been looking for (and everyone sold out of), so he was thrilled too! GDBS has book signings ALL the time. If you're local, check them out. If not, if you're planning on visiting New Orleans, check out their calendar- you might get to meet your favorite author!
