2011 Red Ribbon Week Contest- Win an iPad!

red ribbon week banner

 - Students Can Win $1,000 for Their K-12 Schools
and an iPad 2 for themselves -

The 26th annual Red Ribbon Week features a new national contest this year: "It's Up to Me to Be Drug Free." Winners from ten region across the U.S. will receive $1,000 for their K-12 schools and an iPad 2 for themselves, from The National Family Partnership (NFP).  "As schools across America celebrate Red Ribbon Week this year, with this new contest students will take the message home," said Peggy Sapp, NFP's volunteer president and CEO of Informed Families. "By decorating their homes together, families carry the message to their communities."  Recognized as the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention campaign, Red Ribbon Week reaches more than 80 million people nationwide every year from October 23-31.

red ribbon week 2011 banner

How the contest works:
Students (K-12) can enter from now through October 31 by decorating their homes together with their parents - mailboxes, front doors or fences. Parents (18 or older) can upload photos to www.redribbon.org/enter or www.facebook.com/RedRibbonWeek. Then friends and family can vote for their entry from November 1-15. The entries in each region with most votes will win.

The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is co-sponsoring this year's national contest. "SAMHSA is honored to have been part of this effort for many years, and we hope together we will continue to help prevent substance abuse within our families, schools and communities," said Frances Harding, SAMHSA's Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention." The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has also supported the campaign since its very beginnings: "Wear the Red Ribbon to show you care about having a healthy body and a clear mind free of drugs," said Michele M. Leonhart, DEA Administrator.  "Take the pledge, because it's up to you and me to be drug free!"

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this info, free of charge, from 
The Conroy Martinez Group, for posting purposes on this blog. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.



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