Product Review and Giveaway: World Vision Artisan Beaded Necklace

world visions catalog cover

Last year I told you about helping others during the holiday season, via purchasing items from World Vision. This year I am happy to report that our beloved Veggie Tales is a supporter of World Vision as well! 

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Working in nearly 100 countries around the world (including the USA), World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

"Wherever we work, our prayer is that our efforts will be used by God to heal and strengthen people’s relationships with Him and with one another. We do this by demonstrating God’s unconditional love for all people through our service to the poor — which includes providing for daily needs, working to build peace and promote justice, and partnering with churches and individuals to encourage spiritual transformation."

Isn't that what we should be teaching ALL children, especially our own? Teaching your child to think of others is a worthwhile and uplifting experience, for everyone involved. World Visions has wonderful items,in all price ranges, and you know when you make a purchase through them, that you are giving life-sustaining gifts for underprivileged families.  from the World Vision Gift Catalog. The catalog overflows with gifts, stories and inspiring photos.

Check out this video to see how the World Visions program works:

artisan beaded necklace 1
World Vision sent me one of their Artisan Beaded Necklaces to review. It is a beautiful semi-precious stone and glass bead necklace, that can be worn long or short, as a bracelet or even a belt (for you skinny people, LOL).

artisan beaded necklace 2As you can see it has gorgeous glass hearts on the end, and is suitable to wear year round! I like wearing it as a bracelet, and have already had a couple of people ask me where I got it from (I was quite happy to direct them to the World Vision website!)! It is quite sturdy and the beads are very solid, yet it catches the light amazingly! Your friends will be jealous of this one!

The best thing is knowing that when you purchase such a great gift, your money is doing something GREAT. It's not putting profit in someone's pocket, it's HELPING someone who not only needs it, but appreciates it, AND you are showing the true meaning of Christmas. It may seem odd to say you are giving a goat for Christmas, but a gift that helps to end hunger? There is no price on that! So help educate YOUR friends and family about World Vision, and their goals!

Be sure to check out the  “The True Spirit of Christmas Tour” Facebook page at For the third consecutive year, World Vision staff will be traveling across the world this December to see the impact that goats, sheep and other gifts have on families and children. 

Then come on back and enter to win your own Artisan Beaded necklace like the one I reviewed, as a gift to you from World Vision! It would be a wonderful gift to give, especially when you tell the recipient about the charity behind it!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this necklace for review purposes, free of charge, from World Visions! No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. 


  1. Many thanks for this unique giveaway. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  2. For many years my boys and I supported two children through World Vision. We even corresponded and received pictures both taken of the little boys and drawings. What a treasure it is to know that our dollars really do make a difference - thank you World Vision and thank You BTHM for reminding me!

  3. We will help a family in need be able to have Christmas gifts for their family and most importantly share the love of Jesus. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  4. We will help a good friend of ours that has very little, get them a grocery card so that they have a little extra. We will also donate to the food bank, like we do all year.

  5. We help our local food bank and donate to Toys For Tots.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. spend time with extended family we rarely see

  7. serving those less fortunate

  8. we gather food at our church and take over to our local food pantry

    tiramisu392 (at)

  9. Every year we pick tags from a tree at the local library and buy gifts for children in need!

  10. We love getting our real tree - we hike out to the bushes out near where my wife and I grew up and together, we choose our family tree. I don't ever want that tradition to end.

  11. My family this year has been trying to donate more to our community! trishbazin(at)

  12. I am loving my husband by not buying a lot of gifts since he's been out of a job almost a year. My heart is such a gift-giver, but this year, I am learning to be ok with giving cookies instead of larger presents. This helps my husband. :)

    check out my blog giveaway if you get a chance..


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