Book Review: Love Out Loud: 365 Devotions for Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving Others by Joyce Meyer

As you know, on this blog, we are HUGE fans of Joyce Meyer! So I am very happy to bring to you her newest devotional, which is ALSO available as a smart phone app- so you can take it with you wherever you go!

Love Out Loud cover

Love Out Loud synopis

Review: The devotionals are very short and easy for anyone to understand, follow and apply. They start with a bible verse, then the devotional, then finish with the thought for the day. The are dated, but not by year, so the book can be used over and over!

An example of the devotionals, is the one for today's date (12-6)- Eliminate Stress (oh how we can ALL use that!). She quotes John 14:27 (don't let your hearts be troubled) and says we should let go of things when they go wrong. By not holding onto and worrying over them, we eliminate the stress it can cause. We should 'let go, pray to God, and let God'. We also need to not over schedule our lives. Saying no is not being weak, but taking control of your life and giving yourself space to breathe. Finally she urges us to enjoy life and laugh-eliminate things that trouble and cause you stress. Finally she ends with a thought of Loving yourself today and urges you to eliminate ONE thing that causes you stress today, and work on more during the week.

It is a wonderful devotional and one that is perfect for gift giving, no matter what the age of the recipient! You could even use them for family devotional time! I highly recommend it as a Christmas gift!

You can read an excerpt on the Hachette page!

The Love Out Loud app is available in the apple/itunes market only at this time. 

About the Author:
joyce meyer bio

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, Faith Words, a division of Hachette Publishing, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.



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