Book Review: Natural Treatment Solutions For Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease by Dr. Eric Osansky

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Having a family member with thyroid disease, and knowing I am genetically possible for it, I was interested in reading this book! 

Synopsis: If you have hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease and are looking for a natural treatment solution to get to the underlying cause of your condition, then this book will show you how to restore your health naturally…and avoid radioactive iodine.
In the United States, radioactive iodine is commonly recommended as the first line of treatment for hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease. While radioactive iodine is necessary at times, in most cases it should be the last resort. Antithyroid drugs may be necessary to manage the symptoms, but they of course do nothing for the actual cause of the disorder.

Dr. Eric Osansky, was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease and restored his health back to normal, after following a natural treatment protocol. Ever since then he has been helping other people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease use natural thyroid treatment methods restore their health.

By reading this book you will discover the following:
* How natural treatment methods help with the actual cause of the disorder, rather than temporarily manage the symptoms
* Whether or not natural treatment methods offer a permanent cure
* Why Radioactive Iodine treatment should usually be the LAST resort
* Hyperthyroid diet tips which are essential to your recovery
* Nutritional supplements and herbs which are important for any hyperthyroid condition
* The truth about hyperthyroidism and iodine supplementation
* Why many people who have genetic markers for hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease can still have their health restored naturally
* Are natural treatment methods safe during pregnancy and lactation?
* How to find a holistic doctor who focuses on endocrine disorders

You can read an excerpt on the Pump Up Your Book page!

Review: I thought I knew about thyroid issues, because my mother has Hashimoto's Disease, until I read this book! It was definitely an eye opener. I always thought thyroid disease STARTED with an issue in the thyroid. Not so- it tends to result from inflammation in the body. And that is the key piece of advice. Holistic doctors tend to look for the root source of thyroid issues (where is the inflammation), versus regular doctors, who deal with the symptoms. Makes perfect sense that you might want a second opinion after reading that doesn't it?

Because of the inflammation levels, your thyroid can actually fluctuate between overacting and underacting- so you can have Graves Disease AND Hashimoto's Disease at the same time- which is why your thyroid medication may not work, and your blood test levels be out of whack. That's something to ask your doctor about, if you have thyroid disease and have that problem!

And because of the inflammation levels, people with thyroid disease are more prone to other autoimmune diseases like Rhuematoid Arthritis and Lupus, and leave them more open for having a harder time getting over simple things like the flu and cold. AND just because you get a negative thyroid disease blood test, doesn't mean you don't have a thyroid issue! So you need to know the other signs, and have your doctor recheck you.

If you know of someone with thyroid issues, or thing you might have them, you NEED to read this book. And check out the author's website, for mini-seminars, and info on his Facebook pages! This book is easy to understand and is an invaluable resource book!

About the Author: Dr. Eric Osansky is a licensed healthcare professional who personally restored his health back to normal through natural treatment methods after being diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. He has also helped many others with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease restore their health naturallyHe also offers a free 42-page guide called “The 6 Steps On How To Treat Hyperthyroidism & Graves’ Disease Through Natural Methods”, which you can get by visiting
You can visit his website at:

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, from the author, via Pump Up You Book Blog Tours,for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. 
