Product Review and Giveaway: Purex Triple Action Detergent

Say a big 'Welcome' to my NEW favorite detergent!

Purex Triple Action Detergent

Purex is rolling out a new Triple Action formula across the entire liquid laundry detergent line this month!
The new, and improved, Triple Action formula delivers even better on Purex’s promise to always leave your clothes bright, white, and clean for half the price of the leading brand! Seriously, since using the formula, I have NOT had to use any additives to our laundry for detergent boosting or stain removal! We are confirmed Purex lovers in our house, but this new formula surprised us with HOW much better it cleans! The whites really are brighter with the same amount of bleach, and the clothes still smell great (we tried the Mountain Breeze scent, which we alternate with, with their normal scent).
I liked the fact that Purex is made for ALL washing machine types- you don't need special detergent for your new fangled machine! This saves you money! Purex is updating all the scents, and the Free & Clear and Natural Elements lines as well. The bottle and graphics are all getting a face lift too, check out the redeign above! If the new formula isn't in your stores yet, it will be very soon!
I was VERY impressed with how well the detergent pulled up stains from the holidays- gravy, cranberry, peppermint and chocolate! It's great knowing that even though the detergent has been improved, the price isn't going to skyrocket!
Beginning early in 2012, you will be able to go to and get a free sample of the new formula, to see how well it works for you, as part of their 'Prove It To Yourself' campaign! In the meantime, I'm able to give away THREE coupons to THREE winners, for a full-size product, so you can try the new formula on YOUR family's dirt and stains!
a Rafflecopter giveaway  **

  Disclosure / Disclaimer: I was sent this product, free of charge, for review purposes, from Purex, via the Purex Insiders Program. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. 


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