New Year, New Self: Rock n Learn Addition & Subtraction Rock Educational Video

I just realized this post did not go love a couple of weeks ago, 
so here it is-better late than never!

welcome 2012 button

It's the new year, and as adults, we make goals for ourselves, but what about our kids?

Shouldn't we set some goals for them?

How about goals that help them where they are deficient? Meaning we, as parents, are there to provide the help our children need, to make them feel better about THEMSELVES?

Rock n Learn's wonderful library of education videos can help your child booster their self-confidence as they learn, and won't leave you running for the hills screaming about that 'inane kid's song'.

Rock n Learn Addition & Subtraction rock cover
We were recently sent Rock n Learn Addition and Subtraction Rock for review. 

Synopsis:  Learning math facts doesn't have to be dull! Now students can "rock out" while they learn addition and subtraction. Upbeat rock music, energetic performers, and colorful action make these super-cool songs favorites with kids of all ages. As they sing along to these "add and subtract tunes," kids quickly learn sums up to 18 and differences from 18. Suitable for ages 6 & up.

Review: Obviously Kiddo isn't 6 yet, but we have already started working with her on basic math skills, as they are learning them in school! So I was interested to see how she would react to the video.

Kiddo wasn't as fond of the singing in this video, but I think it was because it was not cartoon characters, as the previous Rock n Learn videos we've reviewed, had been, but actual adults. When they started showing pictures and doing basic addition, then she got interested. She did pretty good on the basic adding and subtraction. Once it got into showing the numbers only, then she got lost, which is understandable, as she's 4.  Once it got too complicated, obviously she lost interest. I did keep watching and I think that by next year, she will be able to do the basics, and be more interested in the video (and songs). I think it will be a video that will grow WITH her over the next 2 years, so I consider that a bonus!

I have been very impressed with the quality of the educational material in all the Rock n Learn videos, and I highly recommend them!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I was offered this video, free of charge,from Rock n Learn, 
for review on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to review it.
