Pet Peeves....for the Day....

I'm having a 'peevish' weekend, so I felt the need to vent. These are nothing against ANY of my fellow bloggers, just a couple of random ideas, as general....

1. Email newsletters in LIGHT BLUE/GREEN font.

  • UGH- especially when I'm checking email on my smartphone, these are just hard to read,  and while I understand the color may match your blog, THINK complimentary, and dark(!!), colors! 
  • Honestly, half the time, I don't read what the posts are, just scroll to next email. I may read them when I get to my laptop, or I may delete without reading...

2. Mega Prize giveaways

  • While I did one, and it got me a good bunch of new readers (hey ya'll- LOVE ya!), I still have a hate/love relationship with them. 
  • As a blogger, I know they'll bring me traffic and exposure. BUT...
  • as a reader/entrant, it aggravates me when I HAVE to follow 18 new blogs on twitter AND Facebook, before I can be entered into the giveaway. What if just ONE or TWO of those blogs, just really are NOT ones I want to follow, have in my timeline?
  • Then there's the 89,000+ entries. One of the great things about entering giveaways on blogs, is that you have fewer entrants=better odds. if you have over 89,000 people entering, your odds are NOT good, even if you get 30 entries!

What about you? You agree?

What's YOUR pet peeve for the day?


  1. I'm guilty of #1. I dislike it myself, but the person who designed my blog did it in light blue and I have no idea how to change it.

    1. It should be simply changing color code, but I'm not an expert in html code! But thanks for commenting! We'll forgive you!


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