Trop50 True Resolution $50 Spa & Wellness Gift Card Giveaway

This week I've shared with you about the benefits of the new Tropicana Trop50 juice line, and their great True Resolutions coupon and $1,000 giveaway on their Facebook Page, and today I wanted to talk to you about changing habits! 

You see part of the great thing about making resolutions is what you are really doing is UNDOING and changing BAD habits that you have either learned, gotten into due to stress or lack of time, or learned by osmosis (from a partner). We've all been there, we know where we have picked up the bad habits! It takes 6 weeks to CHANGE a habit, IF you are consistent with the change.

Changing to 50% less sugar in your breakfast drink every morning is simple and easy. And Trop50 makes it fun, by offering numerous flavors and varities, so it's never boring! But what about AFTER you make the change? Do you reward yourself? You should! Positive reinforcement is the key to KEEPING a new habit! Especially when we are habits learned from stress and lack of energy, rewarding ourselves with say a spa day is crucial to our mental health and well being!

 So I was thrilled when Tropicana offered me not 1, but THREE $50 Spa and Wellness Gift Cards to giveaway to my readers! What a great way to reward yourself- a facial, a massage, a mud bath, a sugar scrub. Those all sounded as yummy as Trop50, didn't they? And you can check on their website to find a spa that is close to YOU, to use the card at if you win!

Hope about a non-alcoholic drink made with Trop50 to sip on while you're at the spa?

1/2 cup Trop50 Lemonade (regular or raspberry)
1/4 cup fresh raspberries (or unsweetened frozen)
2 Tablespoons club soda
4 mint leaves
4 ice cubes

Directions: Put mint and ice into an 8-ounce glass. With a spoon, mash mint leaves and ice until mint is broken up into pieces. In blender puree lemonade with raspberries. Pour over mint/ice and top with club soda. Garnish with raspberries, lemons and/or mint leaves. Makes 3/4 cup (6 ounces). 

Nutrition Highlights: Each Trop50 mock-jito has 185 fewer calories and 75% less sugar than an original mojito. Our version also gives you 2 grams of fiber (thanks to fiber-rich raspberries) and 60% of your daily recommended vitamin C!
Note: if you add 1.5 ounces of rum optional to the mix, for at home low-cal mojitos, you add approximately 97 calories to each drink.

Now ready to win one of the spa cards?

a Rafflecopter giveaway *

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this info, and spa cards, for blog posting/giveaway purposes, on this blog, free of charge, from Tropicana. I also received extra entries for a special gift card Blogger giveaway. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about the product or cards.
