EZ Soxs Special Discount

If you remember our review and giveaway from waaayy back in 2010, we loved the new Ez Sox for kids! Not only did they help Kiddo learn to pull on her own socks, she adored her 'ladybug' and 'bear' feet and was quite happy to show them to anyone who asked. She was also quite vocal about "I put them on myself". The tabs were JUST the thing to help her!

ez sox line

Now there are over 15 designs to choose from, including: frog, bunny, cat, dog, monkey, penguin, piglet, duck, teddy bear, seal, butterfly, ladybug, lion, elephant, t-rex and solid colors as well. They sell normally for $9.99 for a two pack.

BUT EZ Soxs is offering BTHM readers a link to get 40% OFF! That's right, you can almost get 2 for 1 with this special deal!

All you have to do is go to the EZ Sox Facebook link HERE and like the page, and your 40% code will appear! Easy peasy!

AND EZ Sox has socks for ADULTS now too! They come in black or white, and are perfect for older adults, who have problems pulling on socks!

And after your get YOUR Kiddo their EZ Sox, be sure to take a cute picture of them in the sox, and enter the EZ Sox photo contest!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this info, free of charge, from EZ Sox, for blog posting purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told what to say.


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