Book Review and Giveaway: Lightning Fast French for Kids and Families by Carolyn Woods

Learn French, Speak French, Teach Kids French- 

Quick as a Flash, Even if You Don't Speak a Word Now! 

Lightning Fast French cover

Synopsis: No time to learn French? 

Want to teach your children but don't speak French yourself? Lightning-Fast French helps you incorporate French into your every day activities, so you learn while doing the things you already do. 

You'll teach your children French the same way you taught them English - by interacting with them as you do daily activities. No need to set aside extra time in your busy schedule, and no need to speak French yourself - with this unique program, you both learn as you go. You'll be amazed at how quickly you see results!

If you want to get your family speaking French fast - this book is for you!

Lightning-Fast French is:
  • Built around every day situations - no need to set aside special time, and you will use your new language the first day!
  • Ready to use with phonetic pronunciation included - no current French knowledge needed!
  • Fun and easy to start!

Review: This is a great little book to start you, or your kids, off on learning a new language (the author also has Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese and Chinese language books as well. (you can preview them all here). Living in Louisiana, you pick up a good smattering of French, mainly about food and entertainment, thanks to the continued influence of the Cajuns. However it is not conversation, so if planning a visit to French Canada or France, learning from this great little book would be a great idea!

The first section has some grammar notes and info on how to use the book. Then it breaks down into 15 conversations, with concepts, conversation and vocabulary words. Each section also offers an idea of how to prepare, like getting a basket of clothes or toys, and using them as examples. Just like learning words as an infant, seeing the object and relating the word to it, is highly effective at remembering the word. I really like how Carolyn shows the pronunciations- it makes it very simple to learn. Here is an example of the vocabulary with pronunciation:

Lightning Fast French sample

The conversation chapters include getting dressed, breakfast, leaving the house, comparisons, toys, foods, playtime, boo boos, school, household items and things you might see outdoors, like animals.  After the conversation section is an activities section, which includes map games, treasure hunts and scavenger hunts. Again, these are all VERY effective ways to learn new words, for kids AND adults. This is followed by a games section. Using French words to play the Hokey Pokey for example, is a great way to have some great family fun!

We've had fun with the book and I am always amazed at what Kiddo can retain in foreign languages after only one sitting. Giving her a visual representative of the word has really helped cement them in her head. The sentences, not so much. But those are sinking in more with me, so I'd say we're 50/50!

I would definitely recommend this series of language books as a way to get your kids started in a language, help reinforce their study of one, and for general learning for adults! And they're VERY reasonable priced too!

About the Author:  Carolyn says: "I'm a busy mom of 4, and always looking for ways to do things better, faster, cheaper! I post reviews and blog about science fun, educational books, and family friendly activities. " Check out her blog, My Books,  for more info!

I am very happy to announce that Carolyn has graciously offered a copy of this book for a giveaway as well! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, from 
the author via Business to Blogger, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, besides a small monetary one, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it


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