Book Review: The Scribble Diary by Lisa Currie

mothers day girl

Some moms love writing in a journal every day. Others are too tired for writing. Some love to doodle, but don't have time to sit and draw every day. So what do you get if you combine the best of both? This book!

The scribble diary cover

Synopsis: Subtitled, My Brain Right Now, The Scribble Diary is your own playful, personal doodling space... to vent your thoughts, reflect on your day, and jot down what's in your brain right now!

Check out The Scribble Diary blog  to download some excellent examples to doodle away with on your own!

scribble diary sample 1Review: I may blog, but I am NOT a journaler (no matter how much Suzanne tries to make me! LOL). Random thoughts, things to keep, I'll write down, but daily? Nope, I have the blog! But doodling? Doodling I love! I figured the best way to show you what the book looks like is to show you some examples I did! I just opened the book at random on different days, and but my thoughts and doodles to the page. You COULD start in the beginning and go day by day, but where's the fun in that? You want to confuse your kids later in life when they read your 'journals', right?

So check out my sample pages!

scribble diary sample 3

and how about a sample for YOU?

psa announcement
Thanks to Lisa, for sample from the Scribble Diary blog! 

You, or the recipient, will have alot of fun with this book! Include it in a gift basket with a set of colored pens, a coffee cup and coffee (or tea), and you're sure to make a moms Mother's Day complete!

About the Author: Lisa says " When I was a kid my Dad would sometimes get out a pen and play dot-to-dot with the freckles on my nose. We thought this was pretty funny, until one day he accidentally used a permanent marker and I had to go to school the next day with a swan-shaped constellation on my right cheek. (no wonder I like her sarcasstic doodles!) My hometown is Melbourne (Australia), but right now I'm vagabonding around LA, New York, then London & beyond. "

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, from The Berkley Publishing Group, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or other, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it



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