Book Review: Dark Star by Creston Mapes

With the new movie 'Rock of Ages' (side note, I am just NOT seeing Tom Cruise as Joe Elliott- just can't do it, sorry, I'll be avoiding the movie like the proverbial plaque) out, there should be a lot of interest in this book, as it presents the flip side of the rock n roll lifestyle, andhow it can all become unraveled.

This is our first review of Creston's books today- we have 3 in total! So be sure to check back in later today for the other 2 reviews!

dark star cover
Synopsis: Can Fame, Wealth, and Power Buy Happiness? 

Everett Lester and his band, DeathStroke, ride the crest of a wave to superstardom. But the deeper they become immersed in fame, wealth, and power, the more likely they are to be swallowed alive by the drugs, alcohol, and discontentment that have become their only friends. 
Everett is headed down a perilous road of no apparent return when he's charged with the murder of his personal psychic. 

The only hope he can cling to comes from Topeka , Kansas , and the letters written by a prayerful young lady who lives there. Consistent and persistent, the notes cut straight to Everett 's empty heart, offering a fulfillment he's never grasped before. But what if he's found guilty of murder? 

Will he recognize the spiritual battle that's raging for his soul? 


Endora Crystal was my rock...
As I staggered through the chaos of rock 'n' roll fame-the drugs and alcohol, the selfishness and turmoil-Endora was the gentle voice in my ear telling me I was special. Telling me I was adored. She was my personal psychic, and she said I had a unique purpose, a calling to give my fans happiness. To be their god. 

My band, DeathStroke, dominated the world of rock. Yet strife ruled our inner circle. My family didn't know me. I loved no one but myself. 

And yet Karen Bayliss was praying for me, that I would come to know the love of God and the lordship of Jesus Christ. She was not a fan. Didn't care for my music. Karen just wanted me to know peace. 

Now Endora is dead, and I've been charged with first-degree murder. 

Review:  Ah the world of rock n roll. Most kids dream about being a rock star, but what if there really IS evil lurking underneath? That is the question Creston asks of his reader with this book, as he takes you through a ride of the good and the bad of finding your dream come true.

I read through this book in 2 sittings- it is a super fast read, and I found the switching back and forth from the current trial to what happened previously easily to stay with, and a great help with keeping the book moving forward. The pull and tug of Everett and Karen, good and evil, man and woman, is well drawn and the characters come to life and you find yourself cheering for them both.

The Christianity angle is well thought out and paced. It feels realistic and appropriate, when brought up as a plot development or pivotal point. Creston does an excellent job in showing how fame affects people, and how their basic personalities and characters help them through it, or bring them down. In many ways the book is an excellent fulmination of man's greed and baseness. The book would be interesting to read with older teens for church biblestudy/youth groups, as it would provide alot of fodder for discussions. I greatly recommend it!

About the Author:  A proud native of northeast Ohio, Creston has been writing professionally for almost 30 years. He earned his degree in Magazine Journalism from Bowling Green State University in 1983.  After working as a reporter and photographer for newspapers in Florida and Ohio, Creston became a corporate copywriter, then a creative director, before starting his own freelance writing business 20 years ago.

Since then, he has written marketing and magazine copy for fine organizations such as Chick-fil-A, Coca-Cola, The Weather Channel, ABC-TV, Oracle Corporation, TNT Sports, BellSouth, Focus on the Family, Hockey News, and Random House.

Creston has edited and ghost-written a growing list of non-fiction books, and has penned three contemporary suspense novels for Waterbrook-Multnomah, a divison of Random House. All three of Creston's novels are available in e-Book format He has finished a fourth novel and is working on a fifth. 
Check out his website Facebook, and Twitter pages for more info!

Please check out the blog tour for more reviews

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge, from Litfuse Publicity, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or other, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it
