Product Review: Revlon to the Rescue!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Revlon for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you're like me, you probably haven't changed your make-up 'plan', that is how you style/wear makeup, since you had your child/children. Time takes on new meaning, and quick and easy is the approach most of us take, saving 'the whole sha-bang'for date night or special occasions.

Revlon knows this concept, and is looking to inspire women and push them out of their comfort zones, by actively engaging them in new expressions. By delivering functional tools, education, inspiration and new products that enable them to express themselves in a new way, Revlon is really pushing women to express themselves as individuals.

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This is where the new Revlon Expression Experiment kit comes in. I was sent a kit that had all the elements needed, to take my makeup routine to a new level, and out of the comfort zone of boring browns, greens and plums I had been in! Over the Summer I have blasted out of my comfort zone by wearing sea green/blue nail polish, and going light golden brown with LOTS of highlights in my hair (course the white, 'we don't like to be dyed' hairs have won that experiment trophy back), but I didn't have time to change my makeup routine.

expressions selections

Enter the kit, with it's basics of the new Revlon PhotoReady Color Correcting makeup primer (that smooths and softens skin,while evening out skin tone, to create a perfect canvas) and the new Revlon PhotoReady Eye Primer and Brightener (that smooths, brightens and perfects). I have been using a BB cream and getting excellent results, but it does NOT have any brightener in it, so I was really interested in trying out these products! I was really surprised at how much brightening I actually had! Now I did put on my bb creme on first for redness coverage, as I tried the color corrector first and didn't get the tone correctness I needed. So I washed it off, and then applied the BB cream and then the color corrector/brightener on top. I have to admit they worked really well together, and my skin looked great!

Unfortunately I received the kit with only 2 1/2 days to use it, so I only got to try out the different eye shadow and lip colors on 2 different occasions. The first day I tried the Revlon ColorStay 16 Hour Inspired eye shadow quad. It has Creamy off-white, turquoise blue, bright green and purplish charcoal.  Like all the Revlon shadow sets, it shows you on the back how to apply to get the best look. I followed the set, but then decided the green was not working. Suzanne was with me and agreed the green in the outer corner was not a good idea, so we added more of the plum and used the green as more of a highlight for the underline on the bottom lashes. She also decreed that we had to double up on the amount used, as it was just too pale. I never wear that much shadow, she's always making me add more! It felt odd to walk out of the house in bright eye shadow (like I was a teenager again), but I felt more hip for sure!

Now before you look at the next photo, remember that I am in the deep South where humidity and HEAT are constant- makeup looks great when you leave the house, but if you are outside for any length of time, blending is gonna happen. So those bright colors? They faded and merged, but the result was actually pretty for daytime! The plum really took over, but the blue kept in bright! But most importantly, they were still THERE, even after all day ! Woo hoo, it does what it says!

inspired sample

Now we paired the shadow quad with Revlon ColorBurst Lip Gloss, that has a mirror like shine. It is a new shade of Sizzle, as we knew we'd be in and out of the car and shops all day, and wanted to see how it held up. I had to reapply it about 5 times during the day, but overall I was happy with the light feel, non-waxiness and staying power. But it was just a tad too 'orangey' for my happiness, as far as using it all the time. Maybe with different eye shadows, just not with the ones in the kit. Speaking of, it does match the nail polish that came in the kit, Revlon ColorStay Longwear Nail Enamel in Sorbert. It is definitely a match to the lip gloss (see the previous photo), and it does wear really well (as do the base and top coats included), but the color was a really BAD match with my skin tone (which is why I did NOT take a picture of them!). Had I been SUPER tanned, it would have been a super color.

So toward the end of the day, we decided to take off the lip gloss and try one of the included lipsticks: Revlon ColorBurst LipButter in Cherry Tart. It's their number one lipstick for a reason- it stays really well and is super moisturizing. Normally when I wear a lipstick, I feel like I need to moisten my lips constantly, but not with this line! The color is definitely redder than the lip gloss, but has an under pink tone to it, so it's not a shocking red, and is actually a good red to wear for daytime use!

The next day was church and I was hesitant to use the other eye shadow quad, but I was in a time crunch, so I just said a quick prayer and hoped for the best, before applying my makeup! I felt much more confident applying the primer and brighteners. Then it was time to use the 16 hour ColorStay Bombshell Quad. I was quite comfortable with the charcoal grey, silver grey and off white. It was the yellow that threw me. Like I said earlier, orange doesn't work with my skin tone, and yellow eye shadow and nail polish has also been another BIG no-no. SO I altered from the plan on the back of the quad and put the yellow up under the outer brow, on top of the white. It actually worked quite well! This was my favorite of the two quads, and one that I will get a lot of use out of! I loved how there is some sparkle in the grey- it really brightened my eyes.And the off-white definitely helps as well.

bombshell experiment

So with this quad, we had decided the day before to use the other red lipstick provided, Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in Certainly Red. As you can see, it is a much better red for me, although I don't know if I would use it normally with such strong eye shadow. It would be better for a lighter eye look, as it really makes your lips POP! Like the other lipstick, it kept my lips moisturized and soft all day, and I was quite pleased with it, and it will go into my daily makeup bag for sure!

This was a really great experiment for me, as it showed my how BLAH my makeup routine had become and how I needed to add more COLOR and DRAMA to it. Sort of like the difference between throwing on a t-shirt or putting on a blouse. The difference in how you carry yourself, think and act is different. We don;t want to say makeup makes a difference, but we all know it's true. So why not seize the day, and make some changed to empower yourself? It's Summer, the time to try odd things. So try a different eye shadow or red lipstick and see what a difference it makes for YOU!

Makeup 'rules' have changed. You CAN wear bright colors if you are over 25. You can wear shimmer. You SHOULD brighten your skin. Thanks to the new products from Revlon, it's easy to do so. SO join with me, and join the Revlon movement of self expression with the Revlon Expression Experiment Facebook application. You can post your own expressions there, and be heard!

You'll have to excuse me- my makeup table and the trash can are calling- it;s time to heave out the old and stodgy and get some new and modern in there, and seize the day and express myself!

What about you?

What about YOUR makeup routine can you change, or you want to change? 

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